Let the rice _ for about 30 minutes.a.boil b.cooLet the rice _ for about 30 minutes.a.boilb.cookc.washd.stay并且说明语法点

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 11:19:59
x)I-Q(HU(LNUWH/RHL/-Q06P+-I-KKQHK'^=Xyv^ybqF^qIbӝ۞bg3^_lM;mIvњ !:LLLLn/,av~qAb]b
Let the rice _ for about 30 minutes.a.boil b.cooLet the rice _ for about 30 minutes.a.boilb.cookc.washd.stay并且说明语法点 The girl likes eating rice,so she _ rice for lunch.A.often eats B.seldom eats c.often eatD.seldom eats Let the rice (cook) for 20 minutes.用cook填空,怎样填? The bag of rice is( )heavy for Tom to carry.Let's go and help him.A.too B.so C.very The bag of rice is( )heavy for Tom to carry.Let's go and help him.A.too B.so C.veryso 和very为什么不行? Let it run for the time being 是什么意思?谢谢^_^ Let the rice to cook for 30minutes为什么加toLet the rice cooked for about 30 minutes为什么用cooked Hello!Please answer one more question:Let the rice (cook) for 20 minutes.用cook填空,怎样填? 我3岁3个月的女儿今天说的,rice is for you ,the rice is for me,然后她又说:“this is a rice,is f我3岁3个月的女儿今天说的,rice is for you ,the rice is for me,然后她又说:“this is a rice,is for me,又捏着一粒米 Let's rice have dinner for的意思 There is _ rice left.Let us go to buy some more.A.a few B.few C.a little D.little 填词.Please don't leave the cups there.Put them back on the _ _ _ _ _.提示:_ h _ _ _Do you like to sit at the _ _ _ _ _ of a bus or at the back?Let's get a _ _ _ _ into town.It's expensive but it'll be quick. they always have rice for ____lunch A a B the C an D 不填 Could you let me know the reason _ his mother got so angry just now.A.why B.which C.that D.for that I_t_ _ any rice in the bowl?请填空 We always have ( ) rice for ( ) dinner.(选什么,请说明理由) A /../ B a../ C /..a D the..the _ (be) the bike under the tree a moment ago?Let's_ (go) and _ (watch) a film. We always have --(a,the,x)rice for --(a,the,x)lunch.填适当的冠词