he came up with ideas for m() money.the room is f() of smoke.please open the door.S() doors is difficult for these who can't move.I'd like to thank you for h() "Animal Helpers"out.She is d(),so shi can't hear me at all.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 14:22:39
He came up with the idea by accident.这句话什麽意思啊? 将这个句子改为被动语态He came up with a good idea.A good idea ___ ___ ___ ___. I came up with a good idea to that question. who came up with the idea of father's day? I came up with the most wonderful idea改错,A:came B:up with C:the most D:wonderful 问此英语句子是否为病句I can't conceive where he came up with that idea.如果不是病句 为什么不用how 而用where呢 英译汉:He first came up with the idea of a Peace Corps of young people that would work for thecause of peace and development across the world. He thought hard,but he came up with 这句话什么意思,是同位语从句吗One day, he came up with an idea that he would pluck up all of his crop a few inches. Suddenly the clerk came up with a good idea.变为被动语态 I realized that I should be是什么意思?I came up with an idea呢? i came up with a idea that后面的时态可不可以用现在时态 I came up with an idea that how to study English The boy came ______ with an idea at last .The boy came ______ with an idea at last .A.on B.at C.up D.to 同义句转换 Did he come up with a great idea?_____you ____a great idea? came up with意思 The girl came up with a good idea.改为被动语态是A good idea was come up with by the girl 1.he came up with a creative idea 2.this TV play is very successful3.both of them feel like shaying up late 4.to be an animal docror is interesting5.tom and jerry cartoon was very successful 同义句