帮我翻译下面的一段话,尽量正确.Dear, please allow me to call you.I believe I am in love with you, on this point I never suspected.I do not know you in this matter is what kind of attitude, you can accept my love?Please believe me, only I

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 18:42:52
xKsVǿ gӍgڦ.(AS4Hac Mi2][H`>Lu_HȘ8j^YJ[r[:8e2/]hg0*VXs$Gq9Mdȩ" qQx#E'( Y"ZLT"A&R! Q($kW C 2A(KxRȯXE-8/8KDE#v'Jx,· "03+( ̸ ^{4/iϼyQC+9$I J<,OM8Wlکvծn%]vսۃ i[Z4YKcEC/ލ{`r Gp is {ۯyv%;/=pGS3f>sH3,iU;hdnkـ̝*>~~D Jd;Wq 1guG|݃Ã"هLyx0jrͲAݛ1l>m08:-\oSip٠x2ʼnZg}*W S쓤J"? z{`IP $ 3IȔ!9=۾;Z|i 0ւ/WZHk9֥'\8 .0ڦm CjڽEa
帮我翻译下面的一段话,尽量正确.Dear, please allow me to call you.I believe I am in love with you, on this point I never suspected.I do not know you in this matter is what kind of attitude, you can accept my love?Please believe me, only I 麻烦英文高手帮我翻译一下下面的一段话,非常感谢!Appointment of Agency Dear Sirs,It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday, subsequent to my letter of 17 September.We are now pleased to offer you an appointment as our sole agents for 请帮我翻译一下一段五笔文字nyjffhwrvbcwep,owftcspsuthhxrrys,qjgikyiyyytrt,yhwbigmfuceadf~~~~请帮我翻译一下,是用五笔写的,感觉有点凌乱,尽量看看吧!谢谢! 帮我翻译下面一段话:Fool,Your happiness is my greatest happiness, 英语翻译请帮我翻译下面一段对话,尽快!今晚之前!要求:第一:尽量接近日常口语对话,不要太拗口.第二:语法要正确.三、不要用翻译软件!A:今年寒假你想去那里旅游?B:还没有想好,但是 各位大哥大姐,麻烦你们帮我翻译一下下面的一段文字好么?急用,先谢谢各位啦这绝对不是耍各位,真的是我需要的,再次谢谢各位~` Dear Members, Many times, we received emails from the people who asked us to pro 能帮我翻译一段话么,中译英的 论文其中一段!急 宁波话翻译请大家帮我把下面一段翻译成汉语,谢谢了~“墙墙宁墙了翻大箱” They of course bought the throwaway pay-as-you-go kind for $15 at Wal-Mart so they're not locked1.帮我翻译下,下面一段话是一篇阅读里的,文章讲的是:从我父母生活中节俭的例子,学到一些正确的消费方式,以至于 用这个词语写一段话.我现在没有钱,尽量帮我解答. She has the ass翻译?到底 我帮别人翻译一段话里面的 don't dear your mind of old days?请帮我准确的翻译出来, 英语翻译帮我翻译下程敏政的《夜渡两关记》的第一段. 我需要找个英语好的人帮我翻译一段话.不准用软件! 谁帮我翻译一段关于友谊的作文. 英语翻译可不可以帮我翻译一段话啊 跪求德语大神帮我翻译一段话! 有没有人愿意帮我翻译一段话