1He ______________ my letter that I sent last month.A.replied to B.replied C.answered to D.answered for CD那俩为啥不行,都是啥意思?2 When you got lost in the forest you ______________ very frightened.A.should have been B.should be C.must ha

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 08:30:27
xU[OF+V,v{@-}؇R bcylB²h RB؅. ! q¾TU\ чͳ}b %ВHIWhTq[~Qï b°z.34<8& (籤"6d^fUR?Woq&pl>SNN%b׀CzUL<˰47 srؚ{7IFp
改错 I'm sure they will be late.______________.you've never been there,have you?______________.you don't enjoy cooking much,do you?______________.he didn't do the exercise.______________. 改写同义句改写同义句 He takes an interest in shopping.He ______________ __________ ______________ shopping 已知关于x的一元二次方程(m-3)x²+x+(m+1)²-16=0有一根为0,则m=______________ 1、A:It looks heavy.Can I give you a hand?B:______________.I can mangage it by myself.A、No,thanksB、Yes,my pleasureC、No,never mindD、Yes,I do 2、A:Is that Mary speaking?B:Yes,_____________ (3分)A、Who are you?B、Whoˊs that?C、Iˊm he 麻烦高手帮忙回答一下~1、Which newspaper has the largest number of ______________ , Students` Post or the 21st century?(read)2、He put the book on the shelf.(改为否定句)3、I have got nothing in __________________ hand.A)other my B)m 1.She ______________( babysit) her sister tomorrow.1.She ______________( babysit) her sister tomorrow.2.I’m going c__________.3.I’m going hiking in the m____________.4.I don’t like going a______ for too long.5.He thought about ________ (leave) m与n的平方差是负数______________ 在-1/2,7,x^2y,(a+b)(a-b),m^2-n^2,0,1/2-x,4/3xy中,单项式有______________,多项式有______________(【/】表示分数线) 若有定义:int m=3,y=1; 则执行表达式y+=y-=m*=y后的y值是______________. 根据答语写问句A:____________?B:I'm going to my homework.A:_____________?B:He usually goes to work by bus.A:______________?B:It will be windy in Beijing.A_______________?A________________?B:My bike doesn't work 地理、世界区域划分图1.在地图上指出世界13个区域名称:①____________②____________③______________④______________⑤______________⑥____________⑦____________⑧______________⑨______________⑩______________ ○11___ Who is he?_______my little brother.What is he doing?______________. He often ______________ (依靠) his sister when he was in Shanghai. If he ______________ me,he would not go fishing with you A、wasB、wereC、beingD、been he asked me where to go on vacation.同义句he asked me ______________ 1、眼睛是心灵的窗户.(仿写)眼睛是______________.______________是______________.2、大眼睛的原型是______________.大眼睛的原型是苏明娟。 谁来答呀(古诗填空)1、______________,村南村北行人绝.诗句选自唐朝诗人____的《______________》2、______________?水碧沙明两岸苔.诗句选自唐朝诗人____的《______________》 若代数式x方-6x+b可化为(x-a)的平方-1则b-a的值为?m方-5m-1=0则2m方-5m=m方分之一=______________