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polarity是什么意思 POLARITY是什么意思? reverse polarity是什么意思 T/R & polarity 是什么意思? 变压器上带polarity英语是什么意思 How to predict the polarity of molecules? 统计学里面polarity 看一篇介绍统计分析的文章,谈到利用polarity index计算结果相近的特点对样本进行分类,不明白polarity 英语翻译The composite circuit has the polarity of a pnp transistor with the gain of an npn transistor.这句话怎么翻译? 英语翻译Acknowledge will deassert at least 4 HCLKs after the deassertion of nCS.The polarity ofthe signals is selected in the DMA Control Register. 1、Define electronegativity.2、How does it differ from electron affinity?3、How do electricity values of atoms relate to bond polarity? 英语翻译The gallotannins of Galla chinensis (GAC) were extracted consecutively by five solvents of different polarity,and the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the extracts were evaluated.All of the ether-,ethylacetate-,ethanol-,and wat 英语翻译Groundbreaking research by two French geophysicists to shed some light on the mystery.Using 80 metres of deep sea sediment core,they have obtained measurements of magnetic-field intensity that span 11 polarity reversals and four million y 英语翻译Using 80 metres of deep sea sediment core,they have obtained measured lots of magnetic-field intensity that span 11 polarity revesals and four million years.请翻译一下.请解释其中measured以及that从句, 英语翻译Due to the wide ranging analyte polarity,the optimum elutionsolvent system had to incorporate a series of solvents to eluteall the analytes effectively.After conditioning and equilibratingthe solid phase extraction cartridges,1 mL of a mi 间隙基因(gap gene)成对基因(pair-rule gene)节段极性基因(segment polarity gen) 这个是什么 有什么关联 主要的作用是什么 会导致什么结果 英语翻译Activation Energy,Spontaneus Processes,Proton-Transfer Reactions,The Solubility-Product Constant Ksp,Standard Electode Potentials,The s (p,d,f) Orbital,Radius of Atoms,Multiple Bonds,Bond Polarity,Ionic Solids,Fischer projection,aliphatic 英语翻译if the electrode cable is attched to the positive terminal of the generator and the ground clamp cable to the negative terminal,the circuit is called reversed polarity 几道GRE,SAT填空题(4)Melodramas were popular precisely because they offered the audience a world_____ of _____.A.bereft...theatricality B.composed...adversity C.full...circumstantiality D.deprived...polarity E.devoid...neutrality(5)Melodr