谁能解释下面这个句子“to"的用法A survey conducted by Anthony Synott asked participants to comment on how important smell was to them in their lives

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/19 01:19:07
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谁能解释下面这个句子“to的用法A survey conducted by Anthony Synott asked participants to comment on how important smell was to them in their lives 关于due to的用法.看下面这个句子对否:I guess that's due to his talent and good voice. 谁能解释下面的句子,the number five is considered a “circular number”,since it “reproduces itself in its last digit when raised to its powers”. to的用法解释说明带to的句子 请帮忙解释这个句子中“can的用法It's a can an orange juice can.这个句子中有两个can,第一个can和第二个can在句中代表什么意思?为啥能这么用?请英语能手能帮忙 Happiness lies in the consciousness we have of it.谁能解释这个句子后半部分的语法?of的用法? 关于西班牙语句子中a的用法¿a muchos occidentales les gusta la comida china?sí,a bastantes.这两句中,a的用法怎么解释呢. 那个with后面能加句子吗?谁能解释下这个句子的with后面是怎么回事?However,with age comes a greater variety of life experiences,which gives the one wisdom and ability to see something in perspective. 选择下面句子破折号的用法正确的是.“放学了,——你们走吧.”( )A.表示解释说明B.表示语音延长C.表示意思的递进D.表示语意的转折能说明理由吗? 这个句子中两个to的解释,及整个句子的解释The next people to come to what is now the U.S. were Europeans. she does is to choose clothes that flatter her,谁能解释下这个句子的语法啊 Not to say 的 用法?大家好,我想请教一下not to say 的用法,请解释下面这个句子中not to say 的意思,并且再给我举一两个例子好嘛?谢谢了!In Japan today throw-away tissues are so universal that cloth handkerchiefs ar without his mother'S attention这里的所有格用法谁能解释下 英语上agree的用法谁能解释下agree with ,agree on ,agree to的用法和区别. a gleam in one`s eye如何解释?有句句子:American captalism liks entrepreneurs to have a gleam in their eye.下面翻译是说美国资本主义喜欢企业家野心勃勃.但是他给出a gleam in their eye这个词组的意思是:尚未形成 求这个英语句子中to的用法是什么? 英语翻译在看CSI(犯罪现场调查)的时候发现职员表当中有一项“casting”下面的名字还有一个C.S.A的后缀.如果回答还能解释这个“C.S.A”就更好了, It's better to be alone than to be with someone you're not happy to be with.句型的用法?这个句子用的是什么固定句型?