program kuohao; type a=array[1..100]of char; var x:string; y,i,s,top:integer; b,t:a; begin top:=0; program kuohao;type a=array[1..100]of char;var x:string; y,i,s,top:integer; b,t:a;begintop:=0; i:=1; s:=0;readln(x);y:=length(x);repeatif x[i]='(' then

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 21:04:52
xSr@}L!/pm#M2T᮶8@qlU;:JT*Zcd@Tx~swfW1s;f*pJPRFS .$FN% K䘖 ,IxGO`Jb + +#^L%E/ # AbgX<<2%NGfi VhFs필XNg<ΰMV9> cEʒl'cἱcs놃 KL6mGv-l5XW_ҒVZHoe@xPjvdiv}fp¿xEި'}\gaRHgq#تh& uFnLZLFp"{w" al3j=`>"uAMpyU#:ZK}rɀ NG14g_ #FK4BFO(
program kuohao; type a=array[1..100]of char; var x:string; y,i,s,top:integer; b,t:a; begin top:=0; program kuohao;type a=array[1..100]of char;var x:string; y,i,s,top:integer; b,t:a;begintop:=0; i:=1; s:=0;readln(x);y:=length(x);repeatif x[i]='(' then type .. 英语翻译open my program 我怎么都没看明白 1.if you realy want to type Vietnamese,I will give you my program 2.these are the program that can help you type Vietnamese there is no chinese program in my computer,so that I can't type any Chinese,sorry 如补充内容class Program{static void Main(string[] args){Program p = new Program();Person pp = new Person();p.getList(pp);}public List getList(object ob){Type type = ob.GetType();return List;}}怎么我想返回个List这个list该怎么做? 翻译program program是什么意思 program of Program exit 英语翻译led to a runtime error.The reason for this exception is:In the current program ZPPRP115ZJ_TEST,an arithmetic operation ('DIVIDE','/','DIV',or 'MOD') with a type P operand attempted to divideby 0. 英语翻译在这里出现的Skype (IPA pronunciation:/skaɪp/,rhymes with type) is a software program created by the entrepreneurs Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis 英语翻译AND,ARRAY,BEGIN,CASE,CONST,DIV,DO,DOWNTO,ELSE,END,FILE,FOR,FUNTION,GOTO,IF,IN,LABEL,MOD,NIL,NOT,OF,OR,PACKED,PROCEDURE,PROGRAM,RECORD,REPEAT,SET,THEN,TO,TYPE,UNTIL,VAR,WHILE,WITH 明天考口语,几个雅思口语PART 求思路,educational TV program,enjoyable phone conversation,wedding ,an occasion when you got angry,advertisement,type of weather,workplacean adventure person 编译原理 我没看懂 100分#include#include#include#includeusing namespace std;char cbuffer;char * key[21]={and,begin,const,div,do,else,end,function,if,integer,not,or,procedure,program,read,real,then,type,var 英语翻译DepressionAlere’s Depression program provides support for individuals with depression,recurring depression and depressive type psychosis,excluding bipolar disorder with manic episodes,schizophrenia,psychosis and similar conditions.Follo type是什么意思 type是什么意思 type是什么意思