两道英语语法题1a)....“one” specific time period or “two” different time periods is/are...是is还是are?b)....one apple and two oranges is/are...如果在and/or前面是单数/负数,而后面是负数/单数,这个时候的动词跟

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 11:37:50
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两道高中英语语法题~ 问2道英语语法题各位大侠好!请教各位两道英语语法题,问题如下:1、Investigators__into the fires at nine Baptist Churches in Alabama over the past week are hoping a handprint left on one church's front door may help catch the 两道英语语法题1a)....“one” specific time period or “two” different time periods is/are...是is还是are?b)....one apple and two oranges is/are...如果在and/or前面是单数/负数,而后面是负数/单数,这个时候的动词跟 英语语法,5两题 1道高中英语语法题求助In some markets there may be only one seller.( )is called a monopoly.A.Situation as thisB.Such kind of situationC.Such a situationD.A situation of this为什么B不对? 高二英语语法题1、 After the accident ,no one ___except a few people who were badly injured.survived was suvived 两道英语语法题( ) ___of us has an electronic dictionary and ___ one of us can look up new words in it .(A).Every,each (B).Each,every ,可是不明白为什么(C)Every,every (D).Each,each ( )Half of the class __ most of 【高中英语语法题!】 The little man was ______ more than one metre fifth high.A.nearly B.alomstC.quiteD.hardly 英语语法题 求正确答案及理由.The Great Wall is one of ( )wonders in the world.A.few B.quite a few C.many D.the few 两道英语语法题,有答案,但是原因拜托了各位 谢谢 求助几道英语语法题!> 英语语法题 形容词、副词1 初二英语语法题About one-third of the students______girls.A.is B.are C.be D.was答案为什么是B而不是请说明原因 英语语法题(代词)Everyone must wear ___ school uniforms to shool.A.ones B.one's C.their D.theirs 一个题 英语语法This is one of the best films____this year.A.that have been shown B.that has been shown. 超难英语语法Is ____ here today?A.everyone B.every one 几道高中英语语法选择题…求解释…要分析原因的…1、Northern China generally receives less rain than____Southern China.A.does B.it is C.is D.it does2.Is this the television____you wish to have ____?A.the one;repaired B .the one;i 英语语法这个题怎么做啊,On a quiet weekend one ______ by the noise of the home interior decoration of one’s neighbours.A.annoys B.is annoyedC.annoyed D.annoying