帮我做几道英语题,谢咯!1.This company was the first ------portable radios as well as cassette tape recorders in the world.A.producing B.to produce C.having produced D.produced2.You were silly not ----your car.A.to look B.to have look C.locki

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 07:02:41
xU[OF+ӾQAxhJ}Yϒ' 4oN%hB7%)lh.V4_3 =;UH}K-{9sw0tnz鼻}6^(*Ʉ20PNJZ J2J膉'ItSUtIIA*VU &F?]ϲJtUĤNXB[DIP(*ƥ >'212B ȲuuH TB ˨RbF#OσxE4a*, J%%m  :{!~T$lK& EJŸR02$1Ph21!]f"[hAA:L'K%@<_~
帮我做几道英语题,谢咯!1.This company was the first ------portable radios as well as cassette tape recorders in the world.A.producing B.to produce C.having produced D.produced2.You were silly not ----your car.A.to look B.to have look C.locki 有道英语题不会,麻烦大家帮我解决下,在线等!麻烦帮我看下: This is my twin sister Lucky,Both she and I_____good at drawing. A.am B.is C.are D.be 帮我改题,.,英语?. 英语 题 帮我看看 帮我看看英语题1.This coastal area---------a national wildlofe reserve last year A.was named B.named C .is named D .names 2.tim is in good shape physically----he doesnt get much exercise A.if B.even though C.unless,D,as long as 说明 英语高手帮我填几道填空题1.The English play___my students acted at the New Year's party was agreat success.A.for which B.at which C.in which D.in which2.Does any body know___or not we will have a sports meeting this weekend.A.if B.where C. 帮我解决几个英语题目谢谢句型转换1.This is a car. It is red .【合并为一句】 This is 【 】2.His mother is fine.【对划线部分题问[fine]】【 】 【 】his mother?3.Thank you ve 我英语不好~帮我查查错!1.–your coffee smells great!--It’s from Mexico.Would you like __B__?A.it B.some C.this D.little2.Is that a book on farming?If so,I want to borrow __C__.A.this B.one C.it D.the one3.I like __B__ in the autumn when t 帮我把英语句子化成复数形式!What's this in English?What's this?What color is it? 大哥大姐们帮我做几道英语题, i've got this feeling you're not gonna stay帮我翻译英语歌词 请帮我用英语介绍一首歌(This is me).不用太长.200字左右 . 帮我翻译英语Every single day I think about how we came all this way? 帮我找一下英语句子中的错误,The name of this desk is balck C Dear~ if you,like this !帮我翻译成中文可以吗? 这两道英语单选题应该选什么?为什么?1.This is ( ) a heavy box ( ) no one can lift it.2.This is ( ) a heavy box ( ) no one can lift.A.so;that B.so;as C.such;that D.such;as这两道题应该选什么,另外还请大家帮我详细分析 帮我做一些英语题……1 I'm zfraid是什么意思2 在中国,有许多贫穷的家庭_____are many ____ _____in China4 改为同义句:A What's your troubie?What's _____ _______with you?B Is this your book?Is this book______?C I can't find 请帮我看看问题补充中的英语题目选择以下答案的原因,(C)1.I got up late this morning.That is _____ I was late for school.A.because B.so C.why D.but(A)2._________useful advice Qu Yuan gave the king in his country!A.What B.What an C