If he come I will show him the photos of my family 改错

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 10:52:44
I w____ if he will come tomorrow I don't know if he will come tomorrow i think he if he free I really do not know if he ( ),if he ( ),please tell me.A .will come,will come B .comes,comes C .will come,comes D .comes,will come I don't know if ny uncle If he I will be very happyA comes ;will comeB will come ;will come C comes; comesD will come;comes I am not sure if Tom ____ home.If he ___,I will call you.A will come,will come B comes,will comeC will come,comes i don't know if Mr.Li.to the party.i think he will come if he ...freeAwill come;is Bwill come;will be don't know if he __.If he__,I will tell you为什么A.will come ,comes B.will come ,will come C.comes,comes I wanted to know if he ___A.had come B.will come I don't know if Mr.Green_______(come) tomorrow,but I will let you know if he _____(come) tomorrow I don't know if he will come tomorrow.为什么要用if 不能用whether I’m waiting for Jack ________, I will go swimming alone.选择题A. If he doesn’t come B. If he won’t come C. If he will come D. If he is coming并说出为什么选择这个答案 he will come here .i will let you know .用if连成一句 He will come back.I will tell you用if合成一句 I don't know if he __tomorrow.if he ___piease let me know.A.comes,comes B.will come,comes C.will come,will comewhy? I want to know if he _____tomorrow .If he _____,let me know.A come ;comes B will come ;comesC comes ; will come D will come ;will come 选哪个说明原因! i dont know if he will come tomorrow / i dont know if he comes tomorrow哪一个正确 If you build it,he will come I'll be very glad_____ to the lecture this afternoon.A.if he will comeB.if he comesC.if he should comeD.if he had come