Tom said,"Mary,my room is without doors,without floor,without walls,without windows."上面的题目是一道谜语.Mary的答案是什么呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 08:43:36
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Tom said,Mary,my room is without doors,without floor,without walls,without windows.上面的题目是一道谜语.Mary的答案是什么呢? “Come in and take a s_____.Tom said to Mary. 直接引语改间接引语 will have to stay here for two hours,he said to mary.2.i'm better now.tom said.3.the teacher asked ,what are you talking about,john? mother asked me,are you going to the park with me tomorrow?5.mary said t 改间接引语.1.She said,My sister will be back tomorrow.2.Mary said,I don't like junk food.3.Tom said,I'm late.4.She asked me.Do you want a cup of tea?5.What are you looking for David asked.6.Tom asked his brother,Are you good at swimm 5道英语题从直接引语改为间接引语1.The boy said ,I can speak English and Chinese very well.2.John said ,I have finished my homework.3.Mary said,Tom worked here two years ago.4.Sarah said ,I was born in 1996.5.He asked me ,What d Tom said to Mary,can you lend me the book?改为间接用语Tom asked Mary _____ she could lend _____ the book. tom said :“I have finished my work改为间接引语tom said he ____ ____(finish)his work John said to Tom ,Come to my house tomorrow.句型转换John told Tom........... mary and tom are my good friends.以my good friends”提问,这句话怎么说 tom and mary 歌词 mary said me,I have forgotten to do my homework改为间接引语 mary----me that--- --- forgotten to dodo---homework my friend Tom said that he would come to my birthdaymy friend tom said that he would come to my birthday party tonight but he _____so far. mary is sad because of what tom said.这句话对吗?后面是个句子 为什么不用because做连词 把直接引语改为间接引语1 Can you sing?''Tom asked Linda.2 How do you get to school?''Mary asks Bill.3 Speak loudly.''The man said.4 Don't be late again.''Mr Liu said.5 She asked me [ ] she could use my mobile phone.A that B for C weathe Mary said Lana thinks she is coming to my house to stydy. 变为间接引语. 直接引语转间接引语 I haven't heard from my parents there days,said Mary. mary said,i can finish my homework today.变间接引语 Tom and mary are my good friends,and Mr.Li is t----- Chinese teacher