My father isn't ____the at at to D.out for 选什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 14:21:05
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My father doesn’t seem tired.(改为同义句)____ ____ that my father isn’t tired. my father is very busy and ____ sports for fun A.does B.doesn't do_____ your mother good at cooking?yes,but my father ____ cook wellA.does;doesn't;isn't;doesn't 同义句转换my father isn’t in now MY father isn't good at playing basketball ( )my father my father ___ at a TV station,but he ____ these,isn't,not working,,is working My father likes summer,but my mother__.A.doesn't B.isn't 英语翻译应该是:My father isn't at home today.还是My father wasn't at home today.应该是:My father isn't at home today.还是My father wasn't at home today.应该是:My father isn't at home today.还是My father wasn't at home today. My uncle isn't in now.(同义句) =My uncle ____ ____.=My uncle____ ____ ____. my father is a doctor and my mather isn't.改错 My pet isn't any trouble.的同义句是什么My pet is ____ ____. My father isn't here;he went to the library just now 同义句My father--- --- ---the library. 同义句转换My father didn't smoke any more.My father smoked ___ ____. My father isn't have lunch at home every day.这个句子对吗 I'm sorry my father isn't in 的同义句? Are_playing basketball? No.Iam reading a magazine. This isn't myuncle._is my father My father is a (o ),he isn't at home.填一个单词,o开头的 填上单词,每线一词 1、My father isn't ____________.He is asleep. my father isn't a teacher o__ a doctor 为什么填“or”