这句有语法错误吗?不是说 rather than 之后加do You should be ready to wait it out,to let the fish come to you,rather than grabbing at it.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 16:39:10
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这句有语法错误吗?不是说 rather than 之后加do You should be ready to wait it out,to let the fish come to you,rather than grabbing at it. 不是说rather than后接动词原形嘛,那prefer to do rather than doing是怎么回事?是不是除了这个句型其他的rather than后都接原型 rather用法问题rather只用在肯定句吗?比如It is rather cool today,isn't it?不能说It isn't rather cool today,is it? I would rather he remember me the way i was.只愿他记得我当初的样子1不是说would rather句子虚拟语气吗,怎么remember原型2the way i was看不懂 rather than不是介词词组吗?为什么prefer to do rather than do中rather than后面加do?介词后面不是应该加doing吗? rather than不是介词词组吗?为什么prefer to do rather than do中rather than后面加do?介词后面不是应该加doing吗? 不是说would rather 从句时态表示与过去相反时用过去完成时,否则用一般过去式吗?、为什么此题用原形呢? belong进行时不是说 belong没有进行时吗?为什么有时还看到用belonging?(没有语法错误,而且是做动词) I always prefer getting up early,rather than going to school without breakfast.不是说prefer to do ...rather than do...什么时候prefer 后要加doing? We all have the ability to be Happy And Sad.The point is what you would rather to be.有语法错误吗?这样表达地道么. 这两个句子 有没有语法错误?what name are you what name is he?如果正确的说要怎么说,YOU不是第二人称吗 为何what's your name?这个句子中是用is为什么不是用are? 不是说一个句子里只能有一个动词吗?那下面这句是不是有语法错误呢?I play the basketball,swim,listen the music and sleep in my spare time.是不是有语法错误的.还是说用逗号隔开就可以用好几个动词. rather 放在句首一般是什么意思不是rather than ,就是rather who does the yellow backpack belong to?这句有没有语法错误?为什么Who 不是whom who does the yellow backpack belong to?这句有没有语法错误?为什么Who 不是whom I have a trouble可以这么说吗这么说有语法错误吗 rather修饰比较级吗 rather rather