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THE BOURNE SUPREMACY怎么样 谍影重重2 THE BOURNE SUPREMACY怎么样 THE BOURNE IDENTITY怎么样 The Bourne Identity的男主角是谁? 谍影重重 THE BOURNE IDENTITY怎么样 智击特工 THE BOURNE IDENTITY怎么样 语法有没有错误?The supremacy of the Russian intelligence science. The Bourne Identity 是谍影重重的第几部啊?1、2、3?哪一部? 英语翻译The Modern Warfare games all have impending World War III plots with conflicts and characters spanning the globe à la The Bourne Identity. 27619 求本句翻译的不妥之处the supremacy of the present1_the exhilaration of collective experience, the inversion of social roles, the supremacy of the present, the triumph of imaginative life can all be found in the dusk-to-dawn alternative 关于《谍影重重3》(The Bourne Ultimatum)的一个小疑问在影片开始约9分50秒的时候,那个记者打了一个电话,整个对话是“Hey.It's me.Yeah.He knows the whoIe story.Bourne's just the tip of the iceberg.Have you heard of an 英语翻译The republican Congress,The Democratic charged,instead of restoring the union had so far as in its power,dissolved it,and subjected ten states,in the time of profound pease,to military despotism and Negro supremacy. 英语翻译one is to expand on the back of economic growth,which is how the city attain its supremacy in the nineteenth centurythe oeher is to create a political,fiscal,regulatory and institutional enviroment in which international financial busines How to translate?3QThis war marked the end of English attempts to control continental territory and the beginning of its emphasis upon maritime supremacy,but it helped the French people to regain a strong national identity. 为什么 谍影重重 1 The Bourne Identity 所有上传过的都被删除了到底违反了什么 ,是全封杀吗 ,也没到过类似的问题啊 ,什么原因 , 英语翻译再问你个问题好吗还是翻译,这段话:In most places with ne w constitutions,it would be a relatively simple matter to defend judicial supremacy from the standpoint of delegation theory:a political commitment to rights requires press onward and upwardThe Puritan mentality,with its only really justified protest,that against the royal supremacy,was one that pressed onward and upward and was inevitably republican in its consequences.怀着它唯一真正正当的抗议,即 英语翻译the war which has just come to an end will appear in the light of that long commercial conflict which settled the supremacy of the Mediterranean when Rome and Carthage fought during 100 years for the mastery of the sea尤其翻译一下 w