有关THE MONEY 及 THAT MONEY新概念一册LESSON113里面说到两口子去看电视机1)That's too expensive for us,we can't afford all money.2)The other model's more expensive,but it's worth money.就想问一下money前面为什么一个用THAT

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 16:20:32
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有关THE MONEY 及 THAT MONEY新概念一册LESSON113里面说到两口子去看电视机1)That's too expensive for us,we can't afford all money.2)The other model's more expensive,but it's worth money.就想问一下money前面为什么一个用THAT 根据英文释义及首字母提示写出正确的单词the thing that people put money in:(w ) He has m---- money to buy the book.根据单词的开头字母及句意填写完整 英语作文Do you agree that “Money talks”?What are the things that money cannot buy? 英语作文Do you agree that “Money talks”?What are the things that money cannot buy? That's when I handed in the money the next 根据句意及首字母提示补全句中单词.Do you want to make a p( ) aboout the use of paper money in 100 years?That noise is making me go c( )根据汉语完成句子 .I want to ( )for( )(为自己工作)when I’m older. I don't like the idea that money is everything.. one might say that money makes the mare go 翻译 The trouble is that I have on money with me. 英语翻译()that () ,she () () () () () finish the plan () () () money 根据首字母提示及英文释义拼写单词1.p______ a bag that we put money in it2.b________another name of bike'3.t________a person who travels4.i________at once; right away5.l________ the thing that we throw away 英语翻译Dear ni,u must be thinking i m writing to u only for money isnt it?its not like that.i want to thank you again for the efforts u r putting for my money,trust me its very important for me,as i worked for that,its not free money,i have no g 英语填空及同义句转换1.My brother is an airline ( )2.My mother is an ( )for Shenyang Daily.3.I‘m going to buy a big house with the money.I‘m going to buy a big house ( ) the money.4.I'm ging to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful.I'm gi The shopkeeper couldn't prove that theboy had stolen the money._____ _____ ______ ______ from the shopkeeper that the boy had stolen the money. I'm going to the () to save money(填空) I'm afraid that with me earning no money 为啥that 之后再加with?这是一道改错 答案说这句没错全句是:I want to quit the job to look aftermy mother but I'm afraid that with me earning no money,my family won't make ends meet还有my 与that if有关的一道选择题I'm afraid ____ you've lost the knife,you must pay for itA that if B that