他从没有去过英国.He has never been to england.He has never went to england.1 标准翻译应该是第一个吧2 可以用went to吗,或者说为什么不能用对be to的用法不是很懂

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 11:15:55
xTN#G~~QrVQ!H9MŞf 8؀MB`adY=+zz6J"咃鮪y:ޣm{l{,fUuΎұLLl!D% 3S 1K!ޮz4`"8寂]:|Z>GiKYk_= 0cjtO 'g&j9 !1PcIq_+ΧG-=9˔rIUAb xܩRnvrDȱ eidbl*ҭ%?MG_HAEv6t6A}S?-VGoT\EEb0agٗ:QZ*(:m2G}! Dh6rTf}  JȲ pb}ѓ<n5wzZI/r_6z׈6/v;M֩$C>~ wL\֪ݸeӊ \l(v˰S[a–o8/laT;XGYpO&f
他从没有去过英国.He has never been to england.He has never went to england.1 标准翻译应该是第一个吧2 可以用went to吗,或者说为什么不能用对be to的用法不是很懂 he who has neve deen to the great wall is not a ture man he has never been to London,()he回答说他没去过为什么用NO,不用yes? 他去过英国,现在他去了美国.英语翻译. 他从2005年起就开始学习中文了.he has started to learn Chinese since 2005.这样翻译没有问题? He'll neve rlove you like do He went to England for 2 years与He went to England 2 years ago的区别!那第一句是否等于He had lived England for 2 years.如何翻译:5年前他曾去过英国2年 at least twice 和 twice at least那一个是对的?原句:he has been there_____他至少去过那儿两次 He told me __________________.(他去过上海两次) Do you have a notebook?He has neve forgot it,i think His father died two years ago 麻烦帮我转同义 我们对他有没有去过那里感兴趣 英语翻译 英语翻译1.我曾经去过水族馆.我也去过(回答2个答案)2.玛丽曾经去过长城.艾莉丝也去过3.他们从没去过太空博物馆.我们也没去过.4.他从来没去过英国.我也没去过.5.吉姆曾经给他的姑姑写 Tom从才没有去过日本,我也没去过.(英语翻译) 英语翻译He asked me_____________________(我是否能够帮助他)He said_____________________(他去过美国两次)The teacher asks us_____________________(课上尽可能多说英语)_____________________(他没有告诉我在哪 He has been there for six months这里的has been是什么时态为什么不用gone呢,为什么要用been呢,我知道have been to 是表示去过哪里,但是这里没有to He has been there for six months.软件翻译是:他在那儿已经住了六个月了.has been 的意思不是:去过某处又回来了. 吗?这样看这句话翻译应该是他六个月前去过那儿. 吧? have he never been to the park?有这样的一般疑问句吗?如果有,且回答为他没去过,该怎么回答?has he never been to the park? 英语 完成时 过去式完成时与过去式有可能放在一起用吗?比如这样he has been to Japan twice他已经去过日本两次了那我可以这样说吗?he had been to Japan twice since last year他去年已经去过两次日本了..