went~saw~buy~had 哪个单词是不同类的词?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 01:36:38
went~saw~buy~had 哪个单词是不同类的词? buy had went carried哪个单词是不同类 We ( ) to the Great Wall.(saw),(ate),(bought)We ( ) to the Great Wall.(saw),(ate),(bought),(went),(had),(climbed) We ( )to the top.(选词) (saw),(ate),(bought),(weWe ( )to the top.(选词)(saw),(ate),(bought),(went),(had),(climbed) Sunday, went, to a park,parents,saw,animals,in the zoo ,went,boating,play,had a good time.写成日记 As she went aiong she began caicuiating what she wouid buy after she had soid the A man wanted to buy an ass .He went to the market,and saw a likely one. 英语翻译Where did you go?What did you see?Who did you meer in London?Where did you go?What did you see?What did you meer in London?l went to the park i saw lots of places l didn't buy anyrhing at all,but l had a lovely time! Daisy slept because it was () on the bus.怎么填空?根据短文填Then I had to catch another bus—the number 20.But Iwsa hungry.I went to a shop first to buy a chicken sandwich and some lemonade.When I came out,I saw the bus start.I ran jump 用had was went saw were liked spoke ate sent这几个词写一篇英文短文, 模仿例句She went home.She typed the lette rshe went home after she had typed the letterHe turned off the television.He saw the programme 星期日的英语日记要带上 Sunday,went to a park,parents,saw,animals,in the zoo,went boating,played,happy,had a good time 单选题求解释 With everything she needed___ ,she went o单选题求解释With everything she needed___ ,she went out of the shopA,bought.B,to buy.C,buying.D,buy 英语翻译“He went into the forest,and he saw one standing there by six trees which he had rooted up as if they had been stalks of corn.” 英语翻译One day Danny went to the museum.He wanted to see what was inside.He saw Indians.He saw bears.He saw Eskimos.He saw guns.He saw swords.And he saw ...DINOSAURS!Danny loved dinosaurs.He wished he had one.I'm sorry they are not real,said D I saw her out when I was walking past.A.goes B.to go C.went D.go.选哪个 i ____(wish/hope) i had enough money to buy the bicycle选择哪个,为什么 i would like to buy it ,if i had money 请问哪个是谓语 宾语