英文 —— —— ——those books——那些书多少钱

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 09:50:24
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They learn social s—— through games like peek-a-boo.Babies quickly find how to make thosearound those them l------ and smile.缺词填空,求这两空的答案, 英文 —— —— ——those books——那些书多少钱 英文MY BOO是什么意思啊? —Are those her parents?—_____.A.Yes,those are B.No,those aren't C.Yes,they are D.No,these aren't those are my grandparents.对画线部分提问__ __ those?——————越快越好, Those are ——A apple trees B apples trees those are our kites.对划线部分提问 —— ——Are those pears?——____________.A.Yes,those areB.No,they aren'tC.these are not pears ——Have ___ students finished their homework on time?——Yes,they have.A those most Bmost of those C most those D those most of带上语言点, Those shose are white 对画线部分提问 划线部分是white——are those shose根据这个改 Are these your pens?—No,not_____.A.those ones B.those C.these ones D.ones 问几个英语题目°1.—Mom,my classmates invited me ____ a field trip.May I go with them?—OK.[ ]A.go on B.to go on C.go in D.to go in 2.I'll visit England______ in May.[ ]A.sometimes B.some times C.some time D.sometime 3.He buys __________ boo 【急】一些很简单的英语题...1.It is rainning now,but he ____ waits ____ her .A.still;to B.still;for C.already;to D.already;for2.when we arrived at the cinema,the file____A.has begun B.began C.had begun D.begins3.—Did you give him the boo 单项选择.( )1.I have ___ paper,but I don't have ___ envelopes.A.any;some B.some;any C.any;any( )2.My grandfather ___in a city two years ago,but he ___on an island now.A.live;lived B.lives;livesd C.lived;lives ( )3.—___ did Jenny buy the boo Boo-Boo-Boo 歌词 名词性物主代词怎么改特殊疑问句Those books are ours (ours划线)———— ———— those books? Which boxes are bigger,these ones or those ones these ones or those ones——在句中做什么成分呀? those frogs are very poisonous.(改为感叹句) ——— —— these frogs are !