it is useful for our life啥意思,要中文

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 08:04:08
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it is useful for our life啥意思,要中文 英语介词填空:French______Today is a useful book for me.1.French______Today is a useful book for me.2.Our World_____English is also a useful book. For it is bad for our environment. 请问把句子 English is useful for our work.改为疑问句,怎样改? fire is quite useful in our everyday life but it can be very d----- ( )useful book it is Is it useful enough?是什么意思? I have a bike .It is useful for me to e( ). 英语翻译The belief that it is harmful to the Black community for authors to explore the humanity of our leaders can have troubling effects.At the least,it promotes the belief that our heroes have to be perfect to be useful.At worst,it censors our 英语翻译The belief that it is harmful to the Black community for authors to explore the humanity of our leaders can have troubling effects.At the least,it promotes the belief that our heroes have to be perfect to be useful.At worst,it censors our 英语翻译The belief that it is harmful to the Black community for authors to explore the humanity of our leaders can have troubling effects.At the least,it promotes the belief that our heroes have to be perfect to be useful.At worst,it censors our 英语作文:Is telephone useful for us in our life?用简单知识表达.不少于80个词. The dictionary is e__ useful for beginners. I don't think it is useful for me to finish the task ----?A can it B is it C can't it D isn't it 为什么 O_____ ,it is a useful book is it time for our English lesson?is it time___is it time for our English lesson?is it time___ ___ our English lesson? the book is _more useful for us student .Yes ,but it is _too diffcult.A.Much;rather B.quite; much 形容词+for / to有什么要求?形容词后面加for 和to 该怎么正确使用?例如:it is useful to sth 还是it is useful for sth.这类结构如何正确使用?