Why hasn't China produced a single Nobel winner?Our educational system should be to blame.As a sibling,a boylive in the jungle of numbers and abstract figures whichnever arouse his interest.He should be carved into the samemodel.They lost their ident

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 19:18:27
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-Why hasn't Jimmy come today? --why is he so upset --he___ his pen yesterday.it ___ yet.A,was lost;hasn't found B.was lost;hasn't been found C.lost;hasn't find D.lost;hasn't been found I'm tired of wondering why hasn't he called,为什么不是I'm tired of wondering why he hasn't called? One of those students_____passed the exam,but the rest______.A.have;haven't B.have;hasn't C.has;hasn't D.has;haven't why? i don't know why he hasn't come yet.这句话里为什么要用hasn't?可以用is't吗? 反义疑问句 He has been to china,hasn't he?这句话对吗 why hasnt she come yet?Nobody knows.Nobody knows _____ _____ ______come yet She hasn't written to her husband since she came to China._____ _____ hasn't she written to her husband?两格 英语翻译刚才那一句是问还有回答----I don't think so.If true,why hasn't he himself been successful? 33.The reason__he hasn't come is___he has to send his mother to a hospitalA why /B which thatC why thatD that why句子分析, China hasn't a balance between the green lifestyle and the econmic growth.(a开头的单词) I hear that John has come back to china,_____? A.isn't he B.hasn't I C.hasn't he D.don't I选什么顺便解释下谢谢 Why hasn't China produced a single Nobel winner?Our educational system should be to blame.As a sibling,a boylive in the jungle of numbers and abstract figures whichnever arouse his interest.He should be carved into the samemodel.They lost their ident She hardly has much time to go to concerts,___?A does she B hasn’t she 怎么选?Why? Why hasn't she come yet?Nobody knows.(改为宾语从句)Nobody knows _ _ _ come yet. Does any of you know why Jack hasn't come yet 这句话中为什么用does it's the third time that you have had it repaired,____a.hasn't youb.isn't youand why?上面写错了a.hasn't itb.isn't it What hasn't John read