英语高手来帮哈忙!莪有急用!.1、There are some children near the river.()不好意思,不小心错了..1、There are some children near the river.(改成否定句)2、There are in the room .(括号部分提问)3、They are .(括号

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 06:59:21
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英语高手来帮哈忙!莪有急用!.1、There are some children near the river.()不好意思,不小心错了..1、There are some children near the river.(改成否定句)2、There are in the room .(括号部分提问)3、They are .(括号 英语高手请进,急用尽快beside the house under the deskat nightin the bagin front fo the classroombehind the tree 都是 麻烦英语高手帮修改一下这篇文章~急用,呃,一篇演讲稿,怕有语法错误,感激不尽!(如果有较大改动,麻烦发上来.不过文章篇幅要在1分45秒以内)The Spring Festival is celebrated by Chinese once a year,the e 以:“The Benefit of High school Outside reading”为题的一篇英语作文求哪位高手提供下哈,急用! 请英语高手帮忙修改下语法及其他的错误.急用,有肉!答的好给加肉,1:Got up early,after get up very sleepy,came to class before long were asleep,he wanted to sleep in the classroom,as in the dormitory,so also comfortable sleep. 求高手回答5道英语题,急用! 急用!英语高手请进.高中外教录音,1分钟短文求听写.英语高手请进.高中外教录音,1分钟短文求听写.我希望有高手能帮我把这两篇短文内容大致听写下来,发上来.短文内容不求完全准确,只要求 高分!急用!英语高手请进.高中外教录音,1分钟短文求听写.高分!英语高手请进.高中外教录音,1分钟短文求听写.我希望有高手能帮我把这篇短文内容大致听写下来,发上来.或者发我的邮箱:jiffer 有哪位新概念英语高手 跆拳道英语怎么说?有急用, 1-10,英语,急用 cosa =0.725怎么算有急用,请高手帮忙. 英语翻译希望有高手能够尽快将这段英文翻译出来,急用.. 8.Paid rent expense for the month in the amount of $1,200.用英语写分录急用急用 英语高手来,1,2解释有好评. some of the bitch..英语高手来... the feel 求英语高手答疑 英语作文 how to protect the environment(60字左右) 有急用 最好是60字左右的