I found——————intersting to travel around China.A.this B.that C.it D./

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 12:24:09
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英语翻译1.I found——————2.I found———————— I found that a small boy was crying in the corner.改为同义语 I found — — — — in the corner. i found a wallet ——the gate of our school横线填什么介词 I found——————intersting to travel around China.A.this B.that C.it D./ i found that ——— with those people was quite difficult.(communicate)communication 为什么不用 communicating? ——I found it easier to learn Russian than to learn English. -----____ A.I notice so B.So I notice Cat_Power—I Found A Reason 找了好多网可总找不到这首歌想下呀大家给几个途径谢喽 The old man found the missing boy ——偶然 he found the mall ——(close) 用正确的单词天空,使两句的意思相同或相近,每空仅填一词1.When I came back to life,I found myself lying on a hospital bed.When I came back to life,I found that I on a hospital bed.2.I bet he's gone swimming—he loves it.he's gon 英语时态单选1.The UN says more than 100 bodies——in lvory Coast in the past 24 hours ,some of them burned alive.A is found B was found C have been found D had been found2.Come in,Peter,I want to show you somthingOh,how nice of you!I ----you When I got off the bus,I found my pocket _________ and the money gone.A.picked B.stolen2.When I got off the bus,I found my pocket _________ and the money gone.(南宁二中2008—2009学年上学期高三质量测试) A.picked B.stolen C.missing I had great difficulty ——the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.A find B,found C.to find D.finding 一道完形题,初二英语下册,They felt all right when I ——,but when i got home and checked ,I found out they were the wrong size A.tried them on B.tried them out C.tried my best 英语选择求原因23.—I haven’t found any money though I’ve searched the drawer bottom up.—Then ,I’m afraid there is left.A.nothing B.none C.no one D.neither 老师我有几道题不太懂你能帮我吗He has no arms and no legs.同义句he doesn't have ——arms —— legs同义句i found that she was crying in the comer.同义句 i found __ __ in the comer. 1、When I got there , I found the bookshop _____——the shop owner was nowhere to be found.A pulled down B have been pulled down为什么不用B 没有find sb do吗?2、In the days _____, he was still in low spirit,and it seemed hard for him 任务型阅读:I love animals and I always want to keep a cat as a pet.But Im busy every dy.I don'thave much time to look after a pet.When I found I could keep an e—cat in my electronic dictionary(电子词典),I was so glad. At first,the e—