可以帮我看看这句话be convinced的用法吗Darwin was convinced that the loss of these tastes was not only a loss of happiness,but might possibly be injurious to the intellect,and more probably to the moral character.翻译成中文是:达

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 13:10:17
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帮我看看这句话有无语病 谁帮我看看这句话是什么 英语高手们帮我看看这句话吧,Electorates are unlikely to be more forgiving 帮我看看这句话有没有错Make quiet when you eat.应该是Be quiet吧,我觉得 帮我看看这句话什么意思啊.韩语 帮我看看这句话出自哪里的 大家帮我看看这句话有没有语病 大家来帮我看看这句话通顺么? 帮我看看这句话是不是有问题. It may be in possible that she will be my girl friend.请各位高手帮我看看这句话有什么错误吗? that ought to be enough time to convince you of that fact并分析一下这句话的语法. There be 句型 如果可以的话 麻烦帮我看看前面的错误 第40 问英语省略的问题大家帮我看看这句话:some books are to be tasted,others (are) to be swallowed,and some few (are) to be chewed and digested.首先它们的主语不同,所以不可以省略主语,助动词are相同,所以可以 帮我下面的英语句型造句,且要有中文,hang out with 、 convince sb of sth 、 convince that...、 be well used to do 、 fill one`s life with pleasure 帮我看看这面镜子可以吗? 大神们帮我看看这句话!对古典小说,诗歌集之类的书,还真有点如痴如醉这句话中的“如痴如醉”可以改成什么 帮我看看这句话写得对不对Students should spend much of time focus on study rather than be distracted by different clothes. Some consideration needs to be given to the potential reasons that might lead to the link ending请帮我看看这句话怎么翻译好