He found the wallet was missing这句话对吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 09:04:03
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He found the wallet was missing这句话对吗? He found a wallet on the ground and( ) 求解释 给好评 yesterday morning he found a wallet ____(lie) on the ground .用适当形式填空 To his ____ ,he found the wallet he lost a few days ago.A surprises B surprise C surprising Not until he got off the bus_____that he had got his wallet stolen.A he found B did he find C he had found D had he found.理由能说充分点吗? I have found my wallet.he said to me. ( ),I found my wallet on the bus .(lucky) After eating his first good meal in weeks ,he found himself l___ to the owner.后面还有一句话tellinghim he had lost his wallet. 改写句子:Jack found there was a wallet on the ground.Jack found there was a wallet on the ground.Jack found _______ ______ _______ on the ground on his way to school ,Xiao Ming found a wallet lying on the ground,he ___ it____ and handed it in On his way to school,he found a wallet( )on the road .A.lied B.lay C.lying D.lies还要理由额.求求各位大哥大姐啊、、 I've found my wallet.he said to me. 将直接引语变为间接I've found my wallet.he said to me. 将直接引语变为间接引语. He ___me that he ___ ___ ___ wallet her brother was very excited when he found his wallet.改为感叹句 he said,i've found my wallet.怎样改为间接引语? 1.“I never eat meat.”he said.He said that____nevre____meat.2.I've found my wallet.he said to me.He____me that he____ _____ _____ wallet.3.I took it home with me,she said.She said that____ _____ ____it home with her.4.The teacher said,The sun I found a wallet on the ground . 就on the ground提问 I found a wallet on the ground . 就on the ground提问速度啊急用啊! It was on his way home _ he _ his wallet.The next morning he found it _.A.that;lost;missingB.where;missing;lostC.which;missed;lostD.then;lost;missed