
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 22:15:01
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I、Yours、His、Hers……属于哪种词性? mine yours his hers ours theirs 速回 mine yours his hers 分别是什么意思? mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs造句 Whose coat is this Is it (    ),Steve?----No.It's not mine .I think it's( ) .(接上题) A.your,hers B.yours,her C.yours,hers D.his,hers. 用mine,his,hers,yours造两个句子是各造两个 Is this yours?和Are these yours?的答句有哪些除了Yes,it is.It is mine.问一下否定句除了 No,is isn't.It 'hers/his.和 问下是不是I think is his/hers.问一下是不是Maybe it is hers/his/Are these yours?的如上的答句有哪些 用I ,you,he,she,it,we,you,they,me,you,him,her,it,us,you,them,my,your,his,her,its,our,your,their,mine,yours,his,hers,his,hers,its,ours,yours,theirs 造句hers,his重复了,一共造32个句子 用yours his hers its ours yours theirs各造5个句子,复制也可以. he shi my she's he's yours hers his I my 有什么区别 比如make my mind 为什么不是make mine mind I like()better than yours.A.him and her B.he and she C.him and she D.his and hers 单项选择Where is my pen?Have you seen ______?Oh,sorry.I have taken_____by mistakeA it;yours B them;his C it;mine D them;hers 帮忙用my.mine.your.yours.his.her.its.his.hers.its.our.your.their.ours.yours.theirs分别造句 Is this book ( yes,It belongs to ( ).A.yours,my B.yours,me C.his ,her D.hers,his ---Mum,is this blouse_____?---No,_____is over thereA my yours B his his C hers she D mine yours Try to write the missing pronoune:I ( ) my ( ) myselfyou you ( ) yours yourselfhe ( ) his ( ) ( )she her her hers herselfit it ( ) its itselfwe ( ) our ( ) ourselvesyou you your yours ( )they ( ) their theirs ( ) 用me、you、him、her、it、us、them、mine、yours、his、hers、itsours、yours、theirs.若有不会的就挑会 在什么情况下用:mine ours hers his its yours theirs heir