A.where B.that C.the one that D.the one whereIs this research center——you visited the modern equipment last year?答案为什么选D ,A 为什么不行.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 02:25:55
xUnG}y6Wʉor:+)H-؀k 1Ph -u c]fg =3KT*U;͙swfv5nˈ^0J1N`qUŸ4" #veV}}cVm<6bf<}n= 9~+cOM>ɸfv֙?W;zr% I 2fESDrnFע(t֭gbHn@4ܶQGj{;k0 PP{)uQJ]Z Џ-mciACZ}>-2_ t';2JdWU"2/O_xE\B-=SGox ̦݃ Iҩ H3_jVI͡;qr#VdM>b[P9,x)RAPdmU TLtp:@7`rƦ :H!ZWZ-mu6)aSF7F/K:M%KٻYO|^˨t@ih@OM>~r` YRr-bѭ\.jDZf[l.[G1ZDq(쯔C $3V3Y{%aLtG86XIhӸ2[N]%ɆAyl,H]NvU"l8.d7Eٚȣ
it was in the factory___you worked five years ago____you learned the technique.A that where B where when C where where D where that This is the garden ___ we used to pretend ____ a concert would take placeA where that B that where C where where D that that It was in that house ________ he used to live ________ the secret meeting was held.A.where; where B.that; that C.what; where D.where; that That is __LU xun used to live A,which B,where C,the place D,where It was in the hall___we have dinner___we held a party last night.A.where...that B.that...where C.where...which D.which...where Was it at the school ________ was named after a hero ________ he spent his childhood?A.which,that B.where,where C.that,where D.which,where Where did you meet her?--It was on the farm _____we worked A.that B.where C.which D.where where was( )the first computer was made?A.it that B.it C.time D.that The town _______ we visited last month is the one _______ the famous painter was born.A.where; which B.which; where C.which; that D.where; where the town ( ) we visited lastt month is the one( ) the famous painter was born.A.where,which B.where,where C.which,where D.that,whch Japan is the only country in the world ____ are mopre female suicides.A.that B.where C.that where D.where there选什么为什么! where's the tape?is( )on the desk?a.it b.that c.this d.they No one was aware_________Jane had gone.A.where that B.of the place C.of where D.the place Was it at the school _____ was named after a hero ____ he spent his childhood?选项:A.which;that B.where;where c.that;where 选择哪一个, Is this research center____you visited the modern equipment last year?(C) A.where B.that C.the one that D.the one where ( )29.Was it in 1990 _____ the famous scientist came to Shanghai_____ he grew up?A.when,where B.that,where C.when,that D.that,that Is it this room ----- the great writer once lived ------ he finished his last works?A where;that B that,where C that;which Dthat;that It is in the school ___ he studied ten years ago___ he gave a wonderful speech.A that; where B where; that C where; where D that;that为什么 不选A