看看这句话有没有错误General business knowledge relating to foreign trading• General business knowledge relating to foreign trading谢谢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 22:12:13
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看看这句话有没有错误General business knowledge relating to foreign trading• General business knowledge relating to foreign trading谢谢 看看有没有错误 看看有没有错误. 这句话有没有错误, 看看这句话有没有错误:Smile is the sunshine and lights your life. 帮我看看这句话有没有错误friendship go straight to hell,jealousy totally rule! 帮忙看看有没有错误, After discussed with local team and global team,the answers are as follows:看看这句话有没有错误, 大神给我看看这句话对不对,有没有那里要修改Daniel said he started learning english three years before 有没有错误了? 看看我计算有没有错误. it is an problem needs urgent attention to protect some significant sites. 帮忙看看这句话有没有什么紧急我要的是看看这句话有没有什么错误…… 我拒绝打酱油的!!!! 帮我看看这句话有没有语法错误Making you deserve being chosen by people you love.有错误的话,请指出错在哪,怎么改正. 大家帮忙看看这句话有没有语法上的错误 I'm a little bit more in love you each morning when i wake up 大家帮我看看这句话有没有语病 Don't compare with others,just bu yourself.这句话有没有语病?请问各位哥哥姐姐,Don't compare with others,just bu yourself.这句话有语病吗? 满天的繁星 这句话有没有错误 he likes read books 这句话有没有错误? 国庆节如期到来.这句话有没有错误?是不是病句?