pumps were used to move water run off around the site.如何翻译?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 12:44:35
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pumps were used to move water run off around the site.如何翻译? 英语翻译The present invention relates,in general,to pumps andpumping systems and,more particularly,this inventionrelates to diaphragms used in such pumps which have asubstantially abrasion resistant plastic material bonded tothe flange area of th 英语翻译1)were used to 2 )used to 3) were used for 4)were used by I'm used to it. I'm used to loneliness . As I used to say you were the eyes of my world ,now I 'm a blind是什么意思 You‘ve changed a lot,Eric.Iremembered you___quiet,didn't you?Yes,I did.Now I'm quite outgoingA used to be B.were used to be C.used for being D.were used for being Oh,you are here.I'm lookingfor you all the morning.____?To the libraryA.where have yo we ( )go to the movies quite often A used to B are used to C were used to理由! 英语翻译,此句中we were used to they were used to carry ropes改为主动 In ancient times,pigeons were used to d urgent messages ___ you ____ play football when you were in middle school A,Are ; used to B,Were ; used to C,Did ; used to D,Did ; use to Mother ________ us stories when we were young. A、was used to tell B、is used to telling C、used to tell D、used to telling Jenny( )living alone bacause she feels lonely A was used to B were used to C is not used toD are not used to Having lived in France for many years,they still enjoyed the foods__in their homelandA.which were used to havingB.they were used to havingC.which used to haveD.they were used to have为什么选B不选A? people( are used ,used,use,were used)to crossing the river by ferry选哪个好,为什么 were used是什么时态 Before windows were used