outperform 和 be better 用法一样吗?能造个句子吗.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 04:00:47
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outperform 和 be better 用法一样吗?能造个句子吗. ins Bett und ins 应该是德语. 德语自学中,一直困扰的一个问题:德语单词表中德语单词后面有一些后缀和符号表示什么?如. das Bett -en ; der Herr -n -en; die Lehrerin -nen 好像有不是表示复数什么的? 德语翻译 Es ist zeit fǖr Bett. 用所给的动词适当形式填空1.Apples ____(be) good for you2.Milk ____(be) good for him3.Let's _____(read) stories4.Pass______(he)the book5.She likes ______(sing)6.We are _____(make) pancakes 7.There are two pair of ________(glove)8.You'd bett Today such a horse might be 4-1at best,vastly decreasing the chances for the occasional big bett...Today such a horse might be 4-1at best,vastly decreasing the chances for the occasional big betting scores that lead to profitability 这句话的中 be away和be 新概念句型转换1.He was very tired.He stopped to take a rest.___ ___ ___ ,he stopped to take a rest.2.He was born in 1930.He knows a lot about old China.____ in 1930,he knows a lot about China.3.The house will be painted white.It will look bett 初一英语:根据首字母完成句子1.In the desert, it can be very hot in summer. People often wear white clothes to protect themselves from the h横线2.Tom walks out in the sun for a long time.The c横线 tree shade makes him feel much bett Watch your back的中文In her eyes you seeshe'll bring you down to your kneesAnd your mind will bendShe'll get to you in the endThe wolf inside her is never satisfiedShe's like a spider and you could be the flyHold onShe's like a love attackyou bett She will make her family_________.A.happy B.happily C.being happy D.to be happyTheir five-year-old son is able to use the __________ to count how many days there are until his birthday.A.radio B.book C.TV D.the countriesWhere do you like to live bett If I am lucky to be chosen to represent my college as a Chinese student.I really likt to catch this opportunity to study abroad in A University, I heard this college is one of the best nationwide, even worldwide. Can you make these sentences bett 英语翻译How to Improve Your Study HabitsPerhaps you are an average student with average intelligence.You do well enough in school,but you probably think you will never be a top student.This is not necessarily the case,however.You can receive bett 英语高手进,用if,when 或unless将句子合并成一句.1.You do not work hard.You will fail the exam.2.She looked aaround.She saw on one.3.He cannot be here on time.He gets up early.4.Something dramatic happens to us.We usually remember it bett Spoiling the Child?Beating children is illegal in most countries,including China.Today,most children can only be punished withwords.But,is talking to them enough?Should we continue to Spare the rod and spoil the child?Or are there some other,bett Not being a natural-born go-better,I was happy to be transferred from sales to the personnel department/我天生不是一个好活动的人,因此从销售部调到人事部,我感到很高兴./能帮我分析一下 Not being a natural-born go-bett Bett and her friend,Ann are( )on the phone about their weekend( ) 请求德语翻译Alles ist in Ordnung.ins Bett gehenWer ist am Apparat?wie w