请帮我做几道英语填空题 He asked me( )told me the news.ask (.) he is at home.用that if whether who what why where how来填空,然后帮我翻译下.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 03:28:04
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请帮我做几道英语填空题 He asked me( )told me the news.ask (.) he is at home.用that if whether who what why where how来填空,然后帮我翻译下. 请帮我填空 请帮我做下几道填空题, 请各位英语高手帮我英语单词填空.C__n__d__Fr__nce 上星期天他叫我帮他学英语.He Asked ____ ____ help ____ with _____English last sunday. 他要我帮他制定计划.(翻译成英语) He asked me to help him ____ ____ ____ . 英语,请帮我, 请帮我做几道英语关于动词的选择题,并做简要分析.1.I saw the train( )the station.A.come into B.to come into C.came into D.to came into2.The first thing I want to do is( )A.visit to him B.to eat C.ate D.eat3.He asked us ( ) it again 高中英语完形填空题: One day a teacher asked her students to list the names of the other这是一道完形填空的前2段,请帮我翻译一下这2段,1--6的答案是CBBACD,我的第1和6做错了,请帮我解析一下原因就解析1和6 两个英语改错题,请大家帮忙解答,1.Edison'father asked him why he wanted a science lab for.2.In a few wears time,computers will be widely used in China.这里是两个改错题,就帮我把错误找出来,再改正就可以了,谢谢哈, 请帮我回答一道英语题,并说明理由!He asked me ( ) during the summer holidays?A.where had I been B.where I was C.where I had been D.where was I标准答案是选择c,求理由! 帮我一道六年级英语完形填空,He works( )very late in the evening. 帮我完成英语填空Once a king was walking around a pool with his ministers.[ 1 ],he came up with a smile.He asked,How many basketfuls of [ 2 ]are there in the pool.The ministers[ 3 ]to give an answer.The king was angry,you have to answer my que 填空题,请帮我填写图中(?)中的数字 请帮我找50道词语填空的题 请帮我解答下列图中的填空题 帮我做一个英语的完形填空吧,如果可以请帮我翻译一下大意吧,还有重要的语法说一下.I took a long journey.And I 1.___ London at last .The railway station was big,black and dark.I 2.___know the way to my hotel,so I asked 上星期天他叫我帮他学英语.he asked ______ ______help———— —— —— ——English last sunday.