how to educate the public to make in formed decisions about science?用英文回答...

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 09:19:39
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how to educate the public to make in formed decisions about science?用英文回答... inside,among的区别?colleges and universities are __9__ the best places to teach me how to educate myself.为什么要选用among,而不是inside? 用所给词的适当形式填空The teashers are ____(discuss)how用所给词的适当形式填空The teashers are ____(discuss)how to educate students better. 连词成句 signs,the,educate,public,about,for,the,caring,helpful,animals,are,to 请各位大虾帮忙翻译一段英文!特别是最后一句!谢啦!Medical education has long struggled with the questions of how and when to educate physicians about subjects such as health care systems, quality improvement, and medical economics 英语翻译请勿上传翻译器翻译成品.Nurture programs enable you to educate prospects who aren’t yet ready to engage a sales resource and gently guide these buyers through the purchase process by delivering relevant content such as white p Parents should educate the children to behave well.的中文意思. 请帮忙翻译“We need to out-innovate,out-educate and out-build the rest of the world”! 1.educate this kids show help tv can to day the twice were bears only a given 以what is the best way to educate for success为主题写一篇200到500字的文章, 英语翻译这一段是英译汉:1.Teaching people how to get good jobs is not the answer.Why would your parents invest so much money to educate you to go out and get a job when you can have your own business?You could start into a lot of business How China can benefit from the Olympic Games?Please analysis this topic from servel parts,such as econime ,educate and so on . how to translate the 几道高一英语改错题1>Miss Huang said our country has been using PSAs to educate people.2>Mr Browm warned us not falling for that kind of trick.3>He asked Kate how sister was now.4>Mr Wang told the children that he would leave for Shanghai on 英语翻译Always the college professor,my dad had carefully avoided anything he considered too sentimental,so I knew how moved he was to write me that,after having helped educate many young people,he now felt that his best results included his own how much of the p ___ of service do you intend to produce 英语翻译A recent controversy as to whether labels on prepared foodsshould educate or merely inform the consumer is over,and a consumer group gotits way. What's the differents between educate and bring up ...