老外问你是谁是不是说who is it?而不是who are you?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 13:04:12
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老外问你是谁是不是说who is it?而不是who are you? 英文打电话问你是谁能用Who is that吗? who is it 它是谁 在英语中打电话问你是谁,是不是Who is that?怎么在仁爱英语教材7年级上88页2a中出现了Who is this?你是谁 请教高人英语:当有人敲门,你不知道是谁,该说什么?A.Who is it B.who are you用哪个比较合适?为什么? 用英语打电话是问“你是谁”是who is it还是“who is that?国家教育部编的是who is this 但是我们英语老师讲的是who is it 和who is it都行 清高素我哪个是正确的, what is that?还是 who is that (电话中的问 你是谁) WHO IS IT是谁唱的快 打电话用语到底问别人你是谁,用who is this 还是who is that 他们有什么区别吗 当打电话时,想知道对方是谁,用英语怎么问是不是who are you?还是who is that? 当你打电话时询问对方是谁时,你应说:A:Who are you B:Who is that speaking 当你打电话询问对方是谁,应说:A:Who are you?B:Who is that speaking? 英语翻译你能猜出这是哪里吗?Can you guess where it is 对着一张照片叫别人猜是谁,是这样说吗:who is it? 你是谁 英文怎么说Who are you 有 你以为你是谁啊 的意思 所以 你是谁 用英文应该怎么说啊 who is it 电话里 要怎么说 不是在电话里 又该怎么说呢 你知道他是谁吗 英语怎么说?Do you know who is he?后面是不是要用陈述句的语序? Who is that you ,意思是那个“你”指的是谁?语法有错吗?想问某人资料中“你”指的是谁,这样用有错吗? 发短信问你是谁,也用who's that? who is it from?是它是谁的?