关于情态动词1.I thought you _____ like reading books,so I have brought you some books2.I thought you _____ like reading books,so I brought you some books选项相同:A.may B.might C.could D.mustReason?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 04:11:39
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关于情态动词1.I thought you _____ like reading books,so I have brought you some books2.I thought you _____ like reading books,so I brought you some books选项相同:A.may B.might C.could D.mustReason? 关于情态动词回答请问关于句子中有情态动词 回答用no i didnt 之类的 回答不是用情态动词回答的 关于情态动词的用法 i thought i told yo to concentrate是什么意思ITHOUGHTITOLDYOTOCONCENTRATEITHOUGHTYOUSAIDMEDITATE 英语情态动词单选,1.I thought you _____like something to read,so I have brought you some books.A.may B.might C.would D.must 为什么不选C 高三英语情态动词问题1.--- Will you attent the gathering tomorrow afternoon ?----I will ,thought,with so much homework to do ,I don`t think I___.A.will B.should C.must D.can这道题选择哪个情态动词呢? 宾语从句的时态I thought that 后面是跟现在式还是过去式?若为过去式,情态动词must,can怎么办? 请将下列英语单词连成一句话(情态动词的句式)story,that,I,thought,at,could,time,true,not,the,be 关于英语的情态动词的用法 关于情态动词使用使用时注意事项 关于高中英语情态动词练习题的提问1.1.I thought you______like something to read,so I have brought you some books.A.may B.might C.could D.must我想知道C为什么不行?C不是和B一样都是表可能吗?2.17.It's nearly seven o'clo “so+情态动词/助动词/have+I”与“so+I+助动词/情态动词/have”的区别. 关于定于从句的问题提问: 1.情态动词的句子能不能当成一般现在时? 2.主句用情态动词的话从句什么时态? 根据句意或情景内容,用适当的情态动词填空.1.- we play football now?-good idea!2.-When we meet?-Let's make it half past nine tomorrow moring.3.-Keep off the grass.We walk on it.4.-That sweater be mine.I put it there.-No,it be yours.Yo 关于情态动词can的问题 情态动词can何时解释成“能”,何时表示猜测? 关于情态动词后跟原型的问题老师讲,情态动词后跟原型 如:i will be there.you must be crazy .我的问题是:情态动词后跟原型是在情态动词后的一个词要变原型还是在整个句中所有词都要原型. 关于 can may 情态动词的用法 情态动词后面加原形any不是动词原形吗May I ask you _____ questions about your schoolA.any B.some像这题应该怎么解释? 改写关于情态动词的过去语态的句子记住是:主+情态动词+be+过去分词 1.I will send a message immediately .2 We must sell all these goods .3 I told you he would receive the pavcel in time 4 He has to deliver the letter by hand