用动词不定式改下列句子?1.The doctor said that the girl should stay in bed for two days.2.The teacher said that the students must keep quiet.3.The monitor said that all of the league members should attend the meeting.4.Mother said that the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 20:47:38
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用动词不定式改下列句子?1.The doctor said that the girl should stay in bed for two days.2.The teacher said that the students must keep quiet.3.The monitor said that all of the league members should attend the meeting.4.Mother said that the 用what/how/where+下列动词的不定式结构完成下列句子look,get,go,ride,say,use1,do you know __________to john's house? 用动词不定式改写下列句子1.the accident was so terrible that we can`t talk about it2.was cortes the first european who ever saw the pacific ocean?3.here is something that you can do while you`re waiting4.i haven`t decided whether i shall a 用动词不定式改写下列句子1.The police stopped him because he broke the traffic rules.He didn't like_____________________________________________.2.The famous actor didn't expect that the report would interview her.The famous actor didn't e 英语1.The first thing you must do is ___________the teachers before class为什么要填动词不定式而不能用动名词?2.一个句子在开头划线,如何选择是填动名词还是动词不定式?请举个例子 什么时候才用动词不定式.to do 有哪些动词后用动词不定式(to do) 用动词不定式句子改成简单句They spent more than 10 years building the palace 用动词不定式改写句子用动词不定式(短语)的适当形式改写下列句子.1、It is very kind of you come and see me off.2、You have to wait till you see the results of the examination.3、The roon is so dirty that we can't live in 动词后面什么时候加动词不定式,什么时候加动词ing?1.Do you feel like walking?2.Do you have any problems talking with foreigners?为什么以上句子在动词后面都用了动词ING?什么时候才应该在动词后加动词不定 they have much homework to do.中为什么是to do?而不是do?什么是动词不定式?什么时候用动词不定式? 什么是动词不定式,什么时候用动词不定式,? they began to read and wirte 动词不定式在句子中的成分下列各句中动词不定式在句子中所作的成分1.They began to read and wirte2.Lily gets up early catch the early bus every morning3.Would you like something to drink?4.We dec do you mind my smoke here?这个句子对吗,是不是动词不定式做do you mind my smoke here?这个句子对吗,是不是动词不定式做后置定语 With a lot of work to do,he didn't go to the cinema. 请问这句话里动词不定式在句子中的成分. 什么时候用动词不定式~ 动词不定式怎么用, 动词什么时候用不定式?