是China's economy 还是Chinese economy?哪种表达正确哦?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 07:05:16
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是China's economy 还是Chinese economy?哪种表达正确哦? China's economy grows____faster insight to insight to 还是 insight into 可以这样说不?insight into china's economy 请问“中国经济”应该怎么翻译,是Chinese economy还是economy of China,这两者有什么区别 China’s Export Growth Shows Economy Tolerating Rate Rise.请帮忙翻译此句!谢谢请帮忙翻译此句,关键是economy tolerating rate是什么意思? With the development of China’s economy中文什么意思 what do you think of china's thumb economy? what do you think of china's thumb economy? what's the difference between China's and Chinese?China's economyChinese economy China's的s是/s/还是/z/ 英语翻译文章题目是《From foreign trade to international investment:a new step in China’s integration with the world economy》 是It's in north of China.还是It's in the north of China 英语翻译中国经济的高速发展可以翻译为China's economy is developing very quickly么? 帮我翻译一下 Rising Oil Prices Effect on China's Economy 英翻译中 China's economy is now developng at an incredible speed . what is china's expanding role in the world economy?如何翻译expanding role The impact of the subprime crisis on China's economy is limited这段话怎么翻译? In the last few years,a growing number of Americans in their 20s and 30s __ for China for employment, attracted by its faster-growing economy.A.headed B.are headingC.have been heading D.had headed答案选C,我想问这句话是