____ _____ _____ a computer on every desk _____ _____ _____?将来,每个课桌上都将有一台计算机吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 03:20:22
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英语翻译填空:____ _____ we _____ _____ _____ a _____ 散步用英语怎么说1._____ _____2.____ _____ a _____3._____ _____ _____ a _____ 英语翻译A baby panda is ____ _____ _____ _____ 写出与例词部分发音相同的单词 apple a:____ _____ ____ _____age a:____ _____ ____ _____egg e:____ _____ ____ _____big i:____ _____ ____ _____close o:____ _____ ____ _____sun u:____ _____ ____ _____ 英语翻译People have a test ____ ____ _____ _____. {a}____{a,b,c} {a,c,b}____{a,b} {a,b,c}_____{a,c,b} 空集_____{a,b,c} 英语翻译Friends like you make it ____ _____ _____ to _____ _____ in a new place He _____ ____ _____ _____ _____(玩这个玩具) since he was a little boy. A.what are the children going ____ ____ next weekend?B.they ____ ____ ____ have ____ ____ next _____.(2)A.____ _____ david _____ _____ _____ next saturday?B.he______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ____ _____ saturday. 英语翻译提示:I want to know _____ _____ _____ in a ___ ____ ____ 英语翻译The workers ____ _____ _____ _____sixteen hours a day. live as a family=live ____ _____ _____ We____ _____ _____ ____(have)a party this Saturday afternoon Some salad are on the table.____ ____ __ _____ A B C D (改错) Some salad are on the table.____ ____ __ _____ A B C D (改错) ____ _____ _____ a computer on every desk _____ _____ _____?将来,每个课桌上都将有一台计算机吗? 英语翻译He ____ _____ ______ a policeman. 报纸是_____ 媒介,广播是____媒介,电视是_____媒介,网络是_____媒介 A空间 B时间 C时空