the one that(which)=what对不?是在引导从句时

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 17:46:40
xj`_%KI^ gEHAljोD0x!hL?߷p\f19YW Fhlz# ЛNοKτc+?u.4Yw#?ߥWq| &Nd&bJ  pGkt &6"µF9|pp n WbHd' *4 Ke]-)7Y
the one;which;that有啥区别? the one that(which)=what对不?是在引导从句时 which one?——________in blue.A.The one B.One C.ThisD.That The fact ______ he failed the exam is not the one ______ he told me.A.which; that B.that; that C.which; which D./; that不懂 is this coat the one you bought last week? 为啥用THE ONE 而不是which,that? 定语从句 the one定语从句中,引导词the one 和that/which有什么区别?什么时候the one? Is this the university_________you visited last time?A.that one B.which C.the one D.the one what on which 、which、the one、 that在定语从句里都有提到,求它们的用法 This is ______I wanted.A the one that B which C one which D the one 参考答案选D此处的that 要省略吗 Which would you like to c( ),the one or that one Which of these trains is the one[]goes to Nanjing?A.which B .of which C.of these D.that i mean the one that was bought yesterday为什么是that而不能是which 这里that与which可以替换吗?she means the one that was bought yesterday. Is that book______he borrowed on Friday?A.that B.which C.the one D.who one of the 后面加 which 还是that比如 you are one of the best schools in China that(which?) provides the best education to students. 分析句子is this park the one you have visited recently?中the one做什么成分A the one B the one which C that Dwhich ----Give me that pan.----Which one?----_________on the desk.A.The red B.The one is C.The red one D.Rad one Which picture is ,this one or that one?I like the one with a cat on it.