She is ____the penfrend club.A in B on C at D under

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 16:47:58
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She is a nurse.She can ____the sick people_______. Anna is ____the United State,but she can speak Chinese very well. 填介词 she is looking ____ the information below ____the website.英语求教 She is ____the penfrend club.A in B on C at D under I know she ____the new song which is popular now? writing B.writes C.wtote 为什么? Qingdao is ____the ___of China When is your mother going there?——She's going ____the 20th(用介词填空) mrs hand is a famous tennis player.she ____the u.s when she was fourteen 1.toured 2.travelled3.found 4.joined Is there anything interesting ____the newspaper?回答! Is there a cat ____the door Peter is looking out ____the window. There a is painiting ____the wall. Mary can't help ____the house.Why?------------Because she is busy _______a hotel clean ;making B,cleaning;;to clean;to make 小学英语填空 (急!)She likes ____the scooter to work. 用介词填空:She knows the style ____the clothes well. 感叹句改写5个1.she is a beaut iful girl(改2个) ____ ____ ____ ____she is!____ ____the girl is!2.There are big trees_____ ____the trees are ____ ____ ____they are!3.How clever the boy is!____ ____ ____ ____he is!4.How interesting the story i 使写后的句子保持原意1.The music is very wonderful. ____ _____music!2.She told me to give the book back to him. she told me to ____ ____the book. It seems that she is busy(同义句)She seems very ____The couple look ___.They are looking ____at their cute baby.(happy)米莉你似乎很高兴 Mille,you ______ ______.