not a ,but b 谓语是跟B的么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 10:59:56
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not a ,but b 谓语是跟B的么 关于not only but also 连接谓语时的问题其中一个谓语是be动词,另一个是其他动词时该怎么用.比如a、Mary not only is very kind but also can do housework.b、Mary is not only very kind but also can do housework.哪个对呢 ()not only he but also his friends been to New York?A:Has B:Have在就近原则中,提问的时候是用陈述语序中谓语动词的形式,还是换一下,依据助动词临近的主语? not A bot B是看B 那no A but B是看什么? 谓语动词单复数怎么用?还有像A and B,A as well as B,Not only···But also等的就近就远原则 not only…but also倒装写英语作文用倒装句:not only can A… but also B can …这个句子对吗?根据老师的回答还原后是A can not only …but also B can …这不是无比别扭吗?!真的是这样的么…另外 如果两者 一道英语非谓语选择题求解释The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police A not to doB not toC not doD do not为什么选B He_____there now,but I am not sure.A.maybe B.may be C.may have been D.might have been 怎么区别.a是副词.b是情态动词.c也许已经怎样.d跟c区别不大.根据语意选b.这是对的吗? Are the two answers correct?—— No,______ one is B.both are notC.neither is D.either is not为什么选C 我晕了 A 我自己排除.可B 有错哪了?谓语不是用的否定么?C neither 做主语谓语用单数么?D 可有一个是 not only...but also...;both...and...这2个的主语是什么?Both A and B后面加ARE还是IS?那么not only A but also B后面是IS 还是ARE?请说具体些, He is famous in China___a dancer ,___a singer .A.not as;but also as B.not only as;but also C.not only as;but as D.not only as;also as 答案是B,还是C. 要有详细解析! 初三英语语法题,1.Not only i but also peter _____ working C.are D.were(正确答案是c,不是Not only...but also 跟后主吗,那么不是应该选B吗)2.Every student and every teacher _____to help the sick girl.A.wants B.want ____ my father ____ my mother take good care of me .I love them so much .A.Either ,or B.Both ,and C.Neither ,nor D.not ,but为什么选B,A和C的谓语动词需要用单数吗?not ... 请教非谓语动词的题目.36 .____ in thought ,he almost ran into the car in front of him .A .Losing B .Having lose C .Lost D .To lose c 错选d33 .The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street ,but his mother told him ____ .A .not to B .not She said I'm not French man ,___I don't love PairsA.and B.but C.but为什么?对不起,备选答案是A.and B.but C.or 英语非谓语:He said he remembered_at the party,but not_.When asked by the police,he said that he remembered ____(arrive) at the party,but not ____(leave).A.arriving leaving B.arriving to leave.求详解. 英语翻译以下哪种翻译是正确的?或者说正确的应该怎么翻译?It does not only includ A.,but also includ B.这样翻是不是有点中国式英语?It not only includs A,but also includs B.It includs not only A,but also B. 1.-Does your brother serve in the army? -NO,not now,but he __ in the army for eight years.A.served B.was serving 答案是A 我的疑问是:过去式怎么可以跟一段时间啊? 还有 B为什么不可以选 啊