21.He was ___ by the sound of the back door opening in the dead of night.空格里应该填什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 11:08:05
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根据首字母和句意填空.He was much a ___ by the sad news. 21.He was ___ by the sound of the back door opening in the dead of night.空格里应该填什么? The more he worked,the more ___(活力)he was. The teacher was pleased with his words The teacher was pleased___ ___ he ___ ___ 保持原句意思,就1句He often went to work by bicycle when he was working in the countryside=He___ ___ go to work by biccle when he was working in the countryside空格里填啥 英语翻译Will you ___ ___ ____(运石头)by train?We waited and waited,and the train ___ ___(终于来了)While he was in the office,he ___ ___(喜欢做)something to chatting.他决心赶上他的同学.He ___ ___ ___ catch up with his clas ___ crossing the street ,he was knocked down by a car.选项:a、By b、During c、At d、While什么不能选 while 请讲明原因 问两道高二英语句型转换He was punished by his teacher,because he did not finish his homework.___ ____ ____ his homework,he was punished by his teacher.walk straight down this road, and you will see the post office on your left.___ ___ ___ he was asked by the President of the United States he said he was telling the truth . H ___ ,he was lying He was always the last one ___(leave) school All he did was ___ (help)the homeless chidren. He was the first to ___{通过终点线} he was late and ___ (miss) the last train.咋填啊 英语填空13Gandhi,an Indian national hero,was honored 1.___ the fater of the Indian nation.He has been respected and beloved by the Indians.He was born in India in 1869.Following the local custom,he got 2.___(marry) at the age of 13.In 1888 he sai he was brought up by a good family ___ values led him to join the anti-poverty organization.A.whose B.that C.who D.which He went by bike.He washed the clothes.He was happy.He is helpful.一般将来时怎么说 英语翻译2.he was awaded his damages by the court