看看这个movie review 希望大家能指出grammar上的错误.This movie is talking about a normal man,named Dummy.His life is a fake one.Dummy live is a big studio with hidden cameras everywhere,and all his friends and family,are actors who play

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 13:43:51
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看看这个movie review 希望大家能指出grammar上的错误.This movie is talking about a normal man,named Dummy.His life is a fake one.Dummy live is a big studio with hidden cameras everywhere,and all his friends and family,are actors who play the movie review是什么意思 movie criticism / movie review 表示影评有啥区别啊 movie review谁能帮忙写份 “I Am Legend” 的 MOVIE REVIEW ?当然是英文 minutes movie review(英文的 150字) 88 minutes movie review(英文的 150字) review review review Review 英语翻译能过吗,希望资深大牛给看看,小弟九月份要去找工作,心里比较忐忑,虽然六级没用,但一些单位因为这个总是歧视, 英语翻译文章的题目是:Movie Review:Men In Black covered in Alien Goo!求中文翻译, 八年级上册英语作文能帮我写吗movie review 这个地方为什么没有theWrite notes for your own movie review.The name of the movie:The kind of (这里为什么没有the) movie:What the movie is about:What you think of the movie/stars:谢谢! 是关于电影《录取通知书》(Accepted)的,大家看看有没有什么语病,或者哪些地方可以改成更出彩的表述.Review on AcceptedThe movie Accepted is filled with humor andinspiration,but at the same time,it reflects some de 帮我看看这个句子的语法错误呗.I wast a day time on watched novel yesterday.Today i must finsh my assignment before watch novel and movie. 英语翻译到底是说6个人都觉得那个review helpful还是觉得?或者你看看这个连接http://www.newegg.com/Product/CustRatingReview.asp?DEPA=5&Type=&Item=N82E16833124010&SortField=1&Pagesize=&Page= movie