请给出修改意见并打分.Topic:It's generally believed that some people are born with certain talents,for instance for sports or music and others are not.However,it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports perso

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 17:51:53
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请给出修改意见并打分.Topic:It's generally believed that some people are born with certain talents,for instance for sports or music and others are not.However,it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports perso 请指出语法错误,并给出修改意见.You can write down or using the speaking function. 请老师给短文打分,并点评, 高中语文老师看过来!这是我的考场作文,请客观地按高考标准60分打分,并给予评价(优缺点)和修改意见阅读下面的材料,按要求写作文.旅居德国的摄影家王小慧说:“能创造性地工作室我最 请用英文翻译:附件为深圳金光华Moschino店铺陈列照片,请查收并给出意见! 请高手帮我修改我的四级作文,并评论打分,不要机器!Creating a green campusWhen it comes to campus,some experts propose that we should create a green campus in order to provide students with a better atmosphere to make further progre 雅思作文 求打分和修改 topic:It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents,for instance sport or music,and others are not.However,it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sport or musi 下面句子中有语病,请给出修改意见当坚强的母亲给怀里的孩子留下“宝贝,记住我爱你”当人民子弟兵冒着生命危险突进一座座孤城、一条条生命道路要意见,不要修改后的语句 请给出病句的六到七种类型,每个类型中举出五个病句并进行修改 大会通过并讨论了他的意见.【修改病句】 周易八卦刘一洪 农历2010.02.26 请给出八字名字打分 下面的句子是个病句,并有一处标点使用不当,请指出错误原因并提出修改意见观点正确、材料丰富,语言通顺是衡量文章好坏的重要标准.句子病因:病句修改:标点符号修改: 请打分,说出理由, 请打分,说出理由. 英语翻译“请尽快提供其他6款的修改意见,” 什么是谓语残缺,请给出一些谓语残缺的句子并修改本人刚接触,有些不熟悉 剑7雅思英语作文,高分求修改意见,不剩感激.Topic:it is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents,for instance for sport or music,and others are not.However,it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to 请修改对联喜逢母校(中学)建校105周年,拟对联二对,请高手给点意见并修改,1、千秋基业坚如磐石喜老柯新枝花繁果硕万卷诗书浩若烟海赖校魂师恩雨润风和2、百年名校耀如旭日映花放万世根