英语语法问题 that 做代词1 Contract termination initiated by us and that initiated by contractor are two different concepts.这里的that 代替签名的名词短语词组contract termination对吧.如果这样说:contract termination initi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 18:35:52
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英语语法问题 that 做代词1 Contract termination initiated by us and that initiated by contractor are two different concepts.这里的that 代替签名的名词短语词组contract termination对吧.如果这样说:contract termination initi 英语语法问题(关于代词) 英语语法题 名词和代词1 英语语法问题-that在定语从句里可以做主语吗?如果可以,请举例说明 英语语法-关于定语从句中的关系代词的问题能不能分别帮我针对每个举1个例? 英语语法问题:定语从句中关系副词在什么情况下使用?可以用that which这些关系代词代替吗?是不是能用关系副词就用关系副词,不能用的再用关系代词呀? 代词it,one,that,the one用法的区别(高中英语语法) 英语语法问题-请问the sort of person算是不定代词吗? 英语语法纠结问题!不及物动词如何带that从句? 英语语法时态 I thought you must have known that I ____ (be) happy when you ____ (say) con...英语语法时态 I thought you must have known that I ____ (be) happy when you ____ (say) congratulations to me! 做代词时that this it one的区别 it one that做代词的时候的区别 英语语法问题-请问that在从句里做什么成分?The last place _____ we visited was the Great Wall. 几个英语语法问题 1.He said that he ()这里是用will还是用would 2.做……感到荣幸 怎么表达? IFN-con-1是什么 关于英语语法的问题:举出3例由名词做定语的例子,和一个形容词修饰代词的例子.求各位大虾指教啊…如上所述.顺带给我讲讲什么是定语?定语是干啥的?都什么词能做定语?代词又是啥?都有 Who is that woman{ }whiteAat Bin Con Look ( )that panda.Aat Bin Con