Mother said to Tom,You should not go out!(改为同义句)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 09:45:07
Mother said to Tom,You should not go out!(改为同义句) 翻译 tom told his mother and she said The mother said Tom get up early please间接引语 将下列直接引语转变为间接引语Tom said,You should leave a message for your mother.________________________________Tina said, I go to the piano class every Sunday.________________________________Bob said.I will go to Shanghai to see m what little Tom said to his mother sounded!A.what reasonable B.How a reasonable C.How reasonable D.What a reasonable .My mother said to me,Tom,______ in bed.A.not read B.doesn’t read C.don’t read D.not reading为什么选c 变不来,变为间接引语:Tom said,“ I am late for class.” Amy said,“ I am going to have a party3.Jack said,“My father is a doctor.”4.The girl said to me,“I can speak English.” 5.My mother said to me,“I will buy you a new coat to tom with his mother goes to park.可以改为 tom goes to park with his mother Tom's mother said that he was out when I visited him同义句Tom's mother said that he wasn't ____ ____ when I visited him 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)Tom was seven years old.One day his mother went to see her mother .Before she left,she said to him ,Tom,when I'm away,stay near the door and watch it all the time!She said this this because there were a lot of 英语直接引语改间接引语 She said to Tom,Can you help me? She asked,Is this book yours or his?The teacher said to the students,Don't waste your time.The mother said,Tom,get up early,please. 将下列直接引语改成间接引语1.Could you please do some shopping for me?She said to him.2.Tom said to me,Don't forget to turn off the light.3.Why not go and ask the teacher for help?said my mother.4.John said,Can you understand me,Ma “Come in and take a s_____.Tom said to Mary. please take a s() tom said to an old man He () that my mother () going to Beijing.(said)怎么填 He () that my mother () going to Beijing.(said)怎么填 Mother said to her son改同义句 Jim said sorry to his mother and she forgave( ).