是No harm is done to your health if...还是no harm does to your health if.如题

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 05:30:24
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是No harm is done to your health if...还是no harm does to your health if.如题 no harm done怎么读 No harm done的音标 no harm has been done翻译 Once harm is done to the environment,it takes years to have the system recovered.这是什么从句?哪是从句,哪是主句? What you have done might do harm to other people.详细分析一下句子结构,哪是主谓宾What is important is to learn English这句话也是主语从句只不过句型变了,这句话里面的两个is 和What you have done might do harm to o once harm is done to the environment,it takes years to have the system _A recoverB recoveringC recoveredD to recover It is no harm doing sth与It is not harmful doing sth可以替换吗?为什么btw:此处的harm是什么词性?名词?no可不可以改成not a harm(既然harm是名词) There is no harm to tell him the truth这句话哪里错了? i have no idea as to know how it is done书上说这句话中to know how it is done 是介词+宾语?为什么呢? I have no idea as to how it is done. There is no harm in trying.There is no harm in trying.in trying是什么语法? Once harm ( )to the environment,it takes years to have the system recovered 括号里填什么,为什么A.does B.is done C.will be done D.be done Drinking polluted _water the healthA do harm to B does harm to C is harmful for B does harm to For those who do not take breakfast,the good news is that ___.a、several studies have been done in the past few yearsb、the omission of breakfast does no harm to one’s healthc、adults have especially made studies in this fieldd、eating little i is it doing harm to do.是反问句吗?常见反问句还有哪些? Drinking too much your health.A.do harm to B.is harmful C.does harm to D.do harm Once harm is _______ to the eco-system,all species will ________,including man himself.A.made; be in danger B.done; be dangerous C.caused; be endangered D.done; be in danger