是英语天才就进来吧!1 He will come ( ) the morning of July 1st.A in B on C at D for2 ( ) do you want some money?Because I want to buy some fireworks.A why B when C what Dhow3 Ittakes me half ( ) hour to do my homework every day.Aa B an C the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 13:41:51
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是英语天才就进来吧!1 He will come ( ) the morning of July 1st.A in B on C at D for2 ( ) do you want some money?Because I want to buy some fireworks.A why B when C what Dhow3 Ittakes me half ( ) hour to do my homework every day.Aa B an C the 英语天才都进来看看吧 英语天才.进来😘 我都有点混乱了.反正是英语达人的就进来看看帮个忙呗~If he leaves tommorrow,he will get there by night.If he was to leaves today,he would be there by night.这两句话有什么不同啊?.第二个是虚拟语气我知道 而且 数学天才进来下 懂英语的朋友进来一下~有这样几道提1:i shall go to town tomorrow,and < >my girlfriend.a:so will b:so shall2:He < >again and again,but he< >so fast that few of us could catch what he < >答案是saying;spoke;talked为甚麽?还有第 各位英语天才进来看看吧用所给词的适当形式组成句子1.I,the,will,take,be,matter,of,promise,care2.sold,often,about,dreamt,the,home3.be,leave,Beijing,tomorrow,will,for,I4.problem,is,the,discuss,worth5.have,come,early,you,do,so,not,c 英语学霸快戳进来吧, 是好人就进来看下啊 认为自己是数学天才就进来做做小学题1.一除二等于多少?2.用一除二等于多少? 好难啊,看到就进来吧! 英语新概念1册99课问题The doctor says that he will come at once.医生说他马上就来.问1;句中的 will 是什么词性?是助动词吗?问2;will come是固定搭配吗?will come at once是固定搭配吗?willn.意志;决心;情 你认为你是女人的话就进来英语怎么翻译 【你认为你是女人的话就进来】英语怎么翻译 数学天才快进来吧!我要请教一下你们4道题目,就4道!拜托各位帅哥、美女们了!①当y=____时,式子[(5-4y)/2]+1的值是-2.②方程1/2(x-3)=2-1/3(3-x)的解是_____.③关于x的方程1/3a(x-2)+4x=2-1/2a的 是天才就帮我解答出来 【英语】 that和when which where小弟英语还算可以 就拿when开刀比如说有填空 1:Jhon will never forget the day ____ he joined the army.2:Jhon will never forget the days____ he spent in Shanghai.when 2是that这两个有什么区 天才就快进来吧~仿写句子绿水是青山的明镜,映射出大山的巍峨与沉稳;露珠是阳光的明镜,折射出太阳的明媚与鲜活;海洋是蓝天的明镜,映射出蓝天的广博与深远;冰川是企鹅的明镜,折射出企