用主动语态或被动语态改写下列句子 Electric silppers were invented by Julie Thompson还有一个 The match will be held the day after tomorrow 也改一下

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 21:13:16
用主动语态或被动语态改写下列句子 Electric silppers were invented by Julie Thompson还有一个 The match will be held the day after tomorrow 也改一下 被动语态怎么改写句子 被动语态改为主动语态 把下列句子由主动语态改成被动语态,或由被动语态改成主动语态1.Did Tom repair the car yesterday?2.The curtain in the room has been taken down. They___________________________(用所给句型改)3.Millie has donated $210 to t 把下列句子由被动语态转变为主动语态并对主动语态的每个部分用主动语态提问,被动语态的每个部分用被动语态提问.1、Our letter are usually delivered in the morning.2、However,only one letter was delivered t 英语中,什么情况或什么句子短语中不能直接用被动语态,而是用主动表被动? 用eat、drink、buy、do各造两个句子(一个被动语态、一个主动语态) 把下列主动语态的句子改写成被动语态的句子.He will buy a house. 把下列主动语态的句子改写成被动语态的句子.Mr Smith made some tea for hei friends. 把下列主动语态的句子改写成被动语态的句子.He invited me to dinner last night 把下列主动语态的句子改写成被动语态的句子.Someone has repaired the car. prove何时该用被动语态,何时用主动语态? 被动语态的练习题(越多越好)(要主动语态改被动语态或被动语态该主动语态,不要选择题和填空题) 语态的转化将下列句子由主动语态变为被动语态或由被动语态变为主动语态1.We will finish the job before November .2.All the students are helping Grandma Li now.3.They are going to solve this problem these days.4.The bridge 主动语态变被动语态练习题 英语主动语态怎么改成被动语态 由主动语态变为被动语态 被动语态与主动语态区别