我这个that从句有问题吗I hope that I go to schoolI think that I should go to school.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 04:59:20
我这个that从句有问题吗I hope that I go to schoolI think that I should go to school. I hope+that从句也叫? i hope that you've got some moneyi hope that这是什么句型呢?谓语从句吗? 问一个hope从句的问题!哪个句子对,为什么,还有什么词是这个原则1 I hope that I can get a good mark and go to collage2 I hope I can get a good mark and that go to collage I hope that XXXXX是什么从句?hope 不是要加介词 to 构成hope to do I’ve no hope that my parents have been expecting to me.属于什么从句?同位语从句和定语从句纠结中,这个应该如何解释啊 I hope that I can enjoy the hobby groups next year有何问题 I hope that you have got some money,我希望你还有钱为什么句中要用that这个单词?句中的that可以省略不要吗?I hope you have got some money可以改成这样吗? I hope 后加从句,一般情况下I hope(从句的时候)后面是原型吗? .I hope that I still have time to show my best .请问这句话有错误吗.我拿不准.. hope +doing 或者that 从句 用hope+ that从句造句 I hope you can find a dream that will encourage you and that it will change your life.如题,这个句子正确吗?第二个that从句加了一个It,这个that做什么成分呢?这两个that从句可不可以理解为并列的句子?求求求 I think what you also need is just a vacation.主语连词为什么用what啊?这是一个宾语从句+主语从句的句子.但是我问题不是这个还有很多诸如此类的主语从句.为什么用what不用that.还有,有没有 从句是疑 这个英语句子为什么是宾语从句我是在另外一个问题看到的句子,不是很懂,这一看不就是定语从句吗?为什么是宾语从句?我英语不好滴..“3.形容词的宾语从句 放在形容词后面I'm afraid that I have 从句中包含疑问句的语法结构问题例如I hope you can recognize by my saying that how much you do know about the subject.从句是强调句无疑,如果把从句改成疑问句 你知道多少关于这个学科的东西是不是要把you 英语:关于hope用法hope用作动词时,后面可接不定式或that从句,但不能接“宾语+不定式”.这个我知道 但若是 句中有宾语 比如 I hope you.什么什么的 那怎么用,是不是 可以加do 或者can do 或者 will 这个句子有没有语法错误how I hope that I do not know that you are lying.