
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 16:05:32
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在英语中,during和between有什么区别 during和between的区别 during和between的区别例句要的 英语表示:在.(时间)内用during和in有什么区别?如:Were you tired ___(during/in)the vacation?用哪个? during girls and boys alone 还是between boys and girls alone?在完形填空看到的答案是between选择的时候很郁闷 总觉得后面有一个alone要用during..= = 怎么区分by 和during求大神帮助What is the difference between by and during? 有一个英语问题:During the whole flight,the temperature inside it( )between 17°Cand 18°A was kept B keeps C 英语~····高手来!在什么期间用什么表示大神们帮帮忙表示 在什么期间时 during 和over!有什么区别没? 英语between前要加be动词吗?比如树在A和B之间是the tree between A and B还是the tree is between A and B 英语求助the relationship betweenthe relationship between you and me这一句算不算一个句子?有没有语法错误?我知道between 要用在两者以上between ,我想问一下,假如把you and me换成US,那between 应该换成什么?中 What are the differences between home and house?中文有什么单词分别指home和house,在英语里,home和house又有什么不同? 英语标题中between的大小写怎么用,急!我看有人说between在超过五个单词是要大写,有人说不用,有没有人能给个确切答案啊,最好能举个例子,谢谢了! A hedge between keeps friendship green,这句话中,between是什么词性?between不是 只有介词和副词的形式吗,能放在名词hedge后面吗? 英语 词辩 (25 19:55:18)within和during的用法有什么区别? 英语:during ,over ,through ,throughout查了下相关网络资料.其回答都是during .在某一段时间内 .over ,through ,throughout 是贯穿 整个时间段.我查了下 牛津 和朗文字典.during 有两个意思 1.all through a period of 请问during between from的区别 during in middle among between的区别 我不喜欢在晚上和周末工作英语怎么说I don't liek ( ) ( ) during ( ) and ( )是 I don't like ( ) ( ) during ( ) and ( )