这句英语有错误码What is the color of it?这句话有语法错误吗?可以这样表达吗

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 16:18:36
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My name is what?这句英语有错误吗? 这句英语有错误码What is the color of it?这句话有语法错误吗?可以这样表达吗 这句英语有错误吗?the servious environmental problem is这句英语有错误吗?the servious environmental problem is facing scenic spots. 这句英语有错误吗Do live is the biggest adventure 英语句判断对错could you possibly tell me what price is for students?这句话是否有错误 这句话有错误吗,英语句子如下what is the little object using for?对还是错,语法理由. 这句话有错误吗,英语句子如下what is the little object used to?对还是错,语法理由. we must take the lift downstairs when there is a fire.这句英语句子有什么错误?改正过来. 帮忙检查这句英语有没有错误这句 In The next level,I want to keep doing what I used do. 这句英语有没有错误?“The film is showing at the cinema.”一本书上的是不是应该改成is shown?还是可以这么用 这句英语是否有错误,错在哪里it is said something what you can't stop it when you begin what is the doctor have?有什么错误 我这句英语句子有错误吗?The Tao is Tao&Justice,is Tao&Technology,is Tao&Way,is the main principles of the universe,is the ultimate turth. 帮我看看这句英语句子有没有错误这个英语句子有没有错误?She is the equal of her brother as far as intelligengce is concerned. 这句英语有没有错误This method is usually to catch the flea that live in the lair of vole. 这句英语错哪里了?what‘t color is the jacket?不好意思 是 :what‘s color is the jacket? 这句英语有错误的地方么The bird jingwei trying to fill the sea 这句英语对吗?如下could you tell me what is the meaning of the word